Kilkenny Ridge

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Jun 19, 2005
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New member and first time posting so your patience is greatly appreciated.
We plan on doing the Kilkenny ridge walk on the weekend of 7/4. This is our first overnighter this year and our plan is to camp at Unknown Pond. I have read there is a backcountry campsite between N Weeks and M Weeks but I can't find any additional information. Can anyone confirm this? And, if so, is there a reliable water source?

shaggy9876 said:

New member and first time posting so your patience is greatly appreciated.
We plan on doing the Kilkenny ridge walk on the weekend of 7/4. This is our first overnighter this year and our plan is to camp at Unknown Pond. I have read there is a backcountry campsite between N Weeks and M Weeks but I can't find any additional information. Can anyone confirm this? And, if so, is there a reliable water source?

Funky Freddie and I did the trek last year (Report). We stayed at Bunnell Notch (south of Cabot) the first night and got out late the second day at the Starr King trailhead. I can recall nothing like a campsite between North and Middle Weeks. There was water about 1/4 to 1/2 mile down the Bunnell Notch Trail and again in Willard Notch. Tha AMC map shows the trail just touching the headwaters of a stream between those 2 Weekes, but I can't say I noticed it. Of course we weren't really looking for it so maybe there was something there.

Nice area. Lovely trail with little use (except for Cabot). Unknown Pond is quite a beautiful little spot. Hope you have good views on the Horn.
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I don't know about the Weeks, but I'll confirm a few other facts for you...

Unknown Pond is a beautiful place to camp, with wonderful sites right along the shore. If they're taken, follow the Unknown Pond Trail in the direction of the fish hatchery (pond on your right), and you'll a trail heading up on your left, unmarked. There are sites up there, including one at the top with a decent view. Last time I was there, I was told there was a new privy, but (gasp!) I didn't check it out.

Further up the ridge, there's a backcountry site between the Mill Brook Trail junction and Roger's Ledge. Get your water about 1/8 mile *before* the trail junction, from a gorgeous, clear rivulet crossing the Kilkenny Ridge Trail. Best tasting water I've ever had in the mountains (filtered, of course).

The area around Kilback Pond is muddy, muddy, MUDDY! The bog bridges were rotting away a few summers ago so unless they've been replaced, you'll want gaiters to get through there.

Take the spur trail up to the Horn (sign may have fallen down but junction is very apparent). Do not miss the incredible views from this easy, open rock summit.

Oh ... and I'm jealous. :)
How funny!

I just got back from hiking the entire Kilkenny Ridge! Not sure about Weeks, but we did find a really great place to camp at Willard's Notch. The only problem was moose poop was everywhere. The same held true for most of the trail. It was surreal.

I'm working on my trip report now. I'll have it up in a few hours and will post it in the Trip Reports section. In short, it's a GREAT hike. Lot's of buttkicking, steep sections, which made it fun. But also lots of moose poop. Lots and lots of moose poop. Too bad we never saw the creatures though. :D
Thanks Very Much

To everyone.

I really appreciate the feedback. We plan on bringing our three year old lab. Is the trail relatively dog friendly?

Thanks Again
If your dog is in good hiking shape, he/she shouldn't have any trouble. Some sections are steep, but there are no real scrambles. Abster had her two labs with her this weekend. She did the first 10 miles with us (from north to south), and the dogs were fine and really enjoyed themselves.

Important note: If you're planning on traversing the entire ridge, the northern end of the trail ends at the South Pond campground. It's open from 10am-8pm, so be sure to plan accordingly.

Best of luck and have fun.
I was with Artex on the Kilkenny this weekend. Great trail. Lots of ups and down but worth the effort. Logistically, it's 24.2 miles from South Pond to the Starr King Trail Trailhead with around 7500 feet of elevation gain. Williard Notch is about 14 miles from South Pond, with the campsites being just before the trail junction.

We found it odd that the gate for South Pond doesn't open until 10am and closes at 8pm. We got there just after they opened the gate, or we would have had to park outside the gate and walk the road in for a mile.
About 15 years ago I helped blaze the "new" Kilkenny ridge trail which was really just a link up of all sorts of old trails and herdpaths. We did the blazing Columbus day weekend in October and water was in short supply on the southern half of the trail (basically anywhere south of the Bunnel Notch intersection). We did camp in the col between North and Middle weeks and we did find water eventually in this area but I wouldnt represent it then as a good camping spot. It was a very rocky area and the water source was found to the east of the trail in the boulder field by lifting up stones. The water was very black and tannic and would plug a prefilter on my filter about every quart despite our attempts to get the stuff to settle out.

I have heard the water complaint many times over the years on the southern half of the trail so the lack of water does not appear to be only late season.

BTW, the water supply for the Cabot cabin is also pretty marginal late in the year and the sign for it seems to disapeare on occasion.