Kudos to Adirondack Explorer...... Lost Pond Article


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Sep 3, 2003
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In the image of man
Not sure how many of you guys read -ADIRONDACK EXPLORER-, which is a print magazine that is dedicated to the park and it's current issues. It's Editor Phil Brown (Explorer Editor on here) is a member here.

Generally, I love it, but must admit, that on occasion, I cringe upon reading an article about some lonely desolate place that is, for the most part, undiscovered. I fear that it'll cease to exist with it's discovery For those of you that have had the misfortune of seeing my posts over the years, you know that I used to be much freer about trip reports to the same types of places, particularly with specific details. Through many errors and hard lessons, I've since come to the conclusion that, if you choose to share stuff (which is cool), YOU MUST take responsibility and avoid just giving a roadmap ( or GPS data) for the masses to follow. Enough background stuff :D.

One such place I went to, was Lost Pond Peak. I posted a deliberately vague -TRIP REPORT- along with a unnecessarily preachy (didn't mean to be) message, in a place that has only limited "REACH" (my forum).

Imagine my surprise when I opened the Nov/Dec issue of EXPLORER and noted in the TOC an article entitled "On finding Lost Pond". I'll admit to feeling a few minutes of angst. Until I read the article. It's a good one, written by Phil who writes great stuff, and he does capture the mood and magic of the place well. But I was struck by the last line of the piece, which almost seemed pulled from my own thoughts.

And just how did I get there? Well, if you really want to go, you'll figure out your own way. You might even discover an easier route. But if you do, don't tell anyone.

So, for anyone still with me here :D, I gotta say a public JOB WELL DONE to Phil, his staff and the magazine itself. This is a great article and a responsible piece of journalism. It's not "roadmaping" this place to a substantially larger readership than some internet based forum is welcome to me. It's not the first time I've seen it, but as Lost Pond is a place near and dear, so I couldn't ignore it and letting go unsaid.

Yes, for those of you out there, you certainly can argue that the article shouldn't be published at all. That not MY POINT here. My point is, it was printed, and steps were obviously taken to do so responsibly, which is a rarity in journalism today.

NOTE TO MODERATORS - Please don't nuke this, this is NOT and advertisement for the magazine. It has more to do with responsible delivery of sensitive back-country info to the masses. A real pertinent issue to all of us. THANKS
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