"A limited number of copies of the popular history book, "Spanning the Decades: The Lake Champlain Bridge Story" are available to the public at no charge. This 65-page booklet, richly illustrated with photos, paintings, and memorabilia, tells the story of the 1929 Lake Champlain Bridge. It was jointly funded by the Federal Highway Administration, the New York State Department of Transportation and the Vermont Agency of Transportation as part of a larger program of commemoration to mitigate the loss of the historic bridge. This mitigation was required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
The booklet is available at four locations as outlined below:
* Chimney Point State Historic Site, 8149 VT Route 17W, Addison, VT
* Crown Point State Historic Site, Operations Building, 21 Grandview Drive, Crown Point, NY
* Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, 4472 Basin Harbor Road, Vergennes, VT
* Lake Champlain Visitors Center, 814 Bridge Road, Crown Point, NY
If you are unable to get a copy of the booklet, it can be found in electronic (PDF) format on the commemoration website,
www.dot.ny.gov/LCBCommemoration <http://www.dot.ny.gov/LCBCommemoration>.
This website also has videos of 22 oral history interviews, a documentary film, six short topical films, and a Resource Guide summarizing the location and content of historic source material for historic researchers."
Also on the site are the original bridge plans in case you want to build a copy in your back yard - just remember to put steel in the piers this time