Laura Wateman's New Book Available?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
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Has anyone found a place to buy "Losing the Garden?"

Amazon and Barnes and Nobel says it won't be available until mid-march.

(I e-mailed Mountain Wanderer but did not get a reply.)

I just picked a copy of it last weekend at the Barnes & Noble here in Poughkeepsie, NY. They had about 4 or 5 copies on the shelf, in their newly released auto/biography section.

Call around, I bet a B&N or similar large retailer near by should have a copy on hand.

I bought a copy two weeks ago at the Village Bookstore, Littleton NH. Here's a link to their page. Note that Laura Waterman is speaking across the street at the Littleton Library on March 11, followed by booksigning at the store, which is probably why they have (had?) a fair number of copies early.
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Laura Waterman's book is definitely available for purchase at The Mountain Wanderer in Lincoln, at the Village Book Store and Bondcliff Books in Littleton, and at White Birch Books in North Conway.
Bookland in Brunswick, Maine had two copies on Saturday 2/26. I bought one & there should be one left for a while.
readin' it now. i thought it was gonna be all depressing but it ain't at all (the first chapter is real sad though)! lot's o' hikin' as you might expect, but boy did she have to put up with a lot what with her dad (the guy who edited and dated all emily dickinson's poems) bein' a bad alcoholic and guy (god rest his soul) havin' a lot of problems as most of the readers of this board know (drink, losing his sons, just in general bein' highstrung--but he IS (not WAS, still IS) the northeast peakbaggin' champ by a longshot! (though he'd probably not like to be called a "peakbagger")). but when they did have fun, they had a lot. it's a great book about a complicated marriage. the sections on their life at the homestead in vermont is particularly interesting.

all in all, a better book than "good morning, midnight" (though that was a good book as well).

oh yeah, i got a copy at the new england mobile bookfair in newton outside boston. they had about 5 copies.
Barnes & Noble around here now has 'Losing the Garden' available for $24.00 but I ordered it last nite @ for $16.00>>>FREE shipping & handling.

I just finished 'Good Morning Midnight' by Chip Brown , a very interesting account of Guy's life~~ but now I'm ready to read Laura Waterman's views & thoughts of their life together, should be insightful & heartfelt!
I've yet to read her book, but I must say I was astonished by her NPR interview on NH Public radio.

She was not at all what I expected, and now I wonder how insightful a book by her could be...

