Lean-to Suggestion


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Putnam Pond would be another suggestion that meets your requirements. It is an easy hike into Rock Pond and the chances that both lean- tos are taken is slim. From there you can day hike up Treadway Mt. and explore the remains of the old iron mine on the opposite side of Rock Pond.
Guinness said:
So many choices.

You may want to consider parking at the terminus of the Northville-Lake Placid Trail (off Avery Road) and hike down the N-LP trail. About 6+ miles in you come upon Wanika Falls. This is a great place to visit. The falls drops over a series of rock outcroppings hunders of feet.

Beyond that about another 1.5 miles you come upon Moose Pond lean-to. This is a very scenic sight, plenty of room and not much traffic.

The trail in you come upon beaver dams, which has good educational value and is relatively flat. Should you go anothe 3.9 miles, you come upon Duck Hole which is one of the best areas in the ADKs. It is worth seeing before the damn breaks and empties the lake. If you hike in the ADKs this is one trip everyone should make.

You can see some pictures, here.

and a trip repoert, here.

Good luck on your trip.

Respectfully, I thought I might push back a little on this one. The original poster wanted a "moderate" hike of 2-4 miles, with an open (free) lean-to. The NPT from the terminus to Duck Hole is three times their maximum distance. The trail between Moose Pond and Duck Hole is currently (I'm told) a muddy mess with reroutes of beaver activity. Once at Duck Hole, the two lean-tos are frequently occupied (tents necessary). Agreed, once there, the area is spectacular! Perhaps a better approach with their requirements in mind would be from Tahawus, though the issue of lean-to occupancy would still be an issue.
Lost Pond Leanto (past Gulf Brook). About two miles, moderate, pond, great Adirondack feel. And if the kids get tired, you've got Gulf Brook Leanto on the way at 1 mile (and it's actually on the brook).

Copperas Pond (shorter than you want, but beautiful).

Catlin Bay (shorter than you want, but beautiful).

Cedar River or Cedar Lakes Leanto (easy walks on NP from Wakely).

Bumps Pond and Fishbrook Pond (East side of Lake George).

There is no Leanto at Round Pond, on the way to Dix.

Slant Rock Leanto is nowhere near water.

Thank You

Thank you everyone for all the great feebdback.
For Clarity - by "open", I did mean available. Coming from Southeast - I was trying to avoid locations in the far NW corner. By "Great ADK feel" I meant deep coniferous forests and lakes to create a contrast to our mostly dry deciduous forests here in VT.

Flowed Land originally caught my attention and we started planning that. Then I saw Henderson Lake and remembered that this is where my wife and I first camped after we had only been dating 3 weeks (19+ years ago). [Secret - If you look at the map, there is an outflow poking eastward at the SE corner of the lake. At the NW point of that outflow there is a great rock for camping on. It was a real bushwhack to get to but SO worth it].

I've been planning on the lean to at the north end on Henderson. Our approach time is short due to kids' soccer games today. Not what I had factored in.

Thank you Rhihn for the Lake George suggestions which may work. I will go pull maps now, that is very close.

All the great feedback and suggestions proves how great a community this is. Thanks to everyone.

Thanks again for all the great advice.

The kid's soccer games took most of the day and we didn't leave home until close to 4:00 so our options were limited. Fortunately, we received a couple great tips about the Lake George area and drove there with a stop in beautiful downtown Whitehall for some pizza.

The Lapland Pond Lean-to was taken so we carried on to the Black Mountain Pond Lean-to which had one person (Andrew) as we arrived around dusk. He invited us in and we spent a night listening to his tunes, letting my boys stoke the fire and just enjoying the evening. We went up and over Black Mountain on the way out for a fun easy day. Breakfast at the Captain's Diner in Whitehall on the return as well.

Mission accomplished as my younger one is now in love with Adirondack hiking and camping and wants to do all future trips to the park. Previously, he thought is was only a place where his older brother was marched up big mountains with minimal fun.

Thanks for the great advice. I will use this post as a resource for future trips when we have more time for both the drive and approach.

Sorry, no photos.

Welcome to the Adirondacks!

Well, you are asking alot-

What comes to mind is the Northville/Placid trail. I would check out a trail map. There are lots of opportunties for a great outing. Here are two suggestions that you may find fits the bill..if not now then for another time (or another group reading this..)

Tyrell Pond- two leantos on the water. You may have the company of hunters. The walk in is not far and pretty easy terraine-

Long Lake. Camping right on the Lake but these leantos you will probably share with another group. Easy walk.