Liberty by Liberty Spring Trail

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Mohamed Ellozy

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Brookline, MA
Today I hiked Mt. Liberty by the Liberty Spring Trail. As usual I parked at the Flume Visitor Center and walked the bike path; I find the Whitehouse Trail unappealing, and see no point in the long drive round the Notch to get to the Basin herd path. Excellent weather, cool in the morning but absolutely no wind; started off with fleece top and hat in my pack (mittens on; my hands are very cold-sensitive).

The trail was very wet until about 200 vertical feet above the stream crossing. I found a makeshift bridge across the stream crossing:


Zooming in:


I am not sure that it was really needed today, but thanks to the civil engineers who build it!

There was a fairly abrupt snow line around 3,700 feet, enough icy patches to put the micro-spikes on. I suspect the going would have been rough without them; going up above the spring I met two women going down very slowly without traction!

Lots of sun, minimal wind on summit. Enough haze to discourage much photography, but I was struck by how moth-eaten the snow is on Washington:


Leisurely lunch on summit, followed by uneventful descent. leaving the parking area I caught a glimpse of the last rays of the sun on Liberty and Flume, stopped for a final picture:

Nice. Love the final rays hitting the peaks...beautiful color.

Agree that bike path is preferable to Whitehouse.

Do you mind sharing info about your camera/lens...great zoom of Washington.
I found a makeshift bridge across the stream crossing . . . I am not sure that it was really needed today, but thanks to the civil engineers who build it!
Mohamed . . . nice succinct Trip Report with a good mix of narrative & photos.
That wooden bridge was a civil-engineering project which likely didn't involve a lot of red tape, site analysis, countless meetings, and committee approval to implement!:rolleyes:;)