New member
Since my last winter hike up Cabot back in March, I haven't had much (hardly any) time for hiking this summer - too much time filled with car repairs, household projects, etc.... but I had done a couple of short hikes these past few months. Then I decided to tackle Monadnock ("only" a 90 minute drive). I pushed myself up the White Dot in 58 minutes from the parking lot (not too bad considering that I thought my conditioning was garbage - apparently not as bad as I had thought). Then, I ascended again via Red Spot. Needless to say - a good reminder of why I need to get up there weekly this fall before the winter hiking season. I have 3 peaks left for the winter and none of them are short - Owl's Head, West Bond and Isolation. Needless to say (and I knew this) I am not in condition for any of those hikes currently. That's ok. I will be. It's amazing what a double ascent up Mt. Monadnock (tough little mountain) will teach you about your conditioning. Also, I'll spend 2 months doing this every weekend - 2 to 3 ascents before winter. I'll be ready..... Need new snowshoes though.