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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
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Avatar-Keaton (4) & Dad enjoying the snow on Wachu
I was looking up a reference to David Boomhowers Death on the Northville Placid Trail in '91 and came across this great article (which includes a bit on Boomhower's death) and thought it might be of interest It is about getting lost and the psychology of survival (or death).

excellent reading!

Thanks for posting that link!
I learned a lot more in that article than I did in the SOLO class I also greatly enjoyed last winter.

PS I think London's To Build a Fire says it all.............
Thanks, Rick. This piece is informative, interesting, inspiring and humbling all at once. I like the idea about making up a little song or story about things along the way to remember landmarks along your way. Sometimes using creativity can make info sink in on a deeper level.

Amazing article! I have never questioned myself so much as I have since reading this story. I always feel I overpack, over prepare, and are overly cautious when I go out, but obviously I'm not especially if a 6 year old has better chances of surviving than me!
Before learning what equipment is best, how to pack light, what clothes to wear and all the other "trivial" things we do, this article should be the first thing to read (again!) before hitting the woods. Get your mind in order before you do anything else.
Thanks Rick for one of the best posts I've seen on this site and I hope everyone takes a few minutes to read this article, it could seriously save your life.
I agree, great article and post.
One of the most interesting things in the article to me was the opinion presented in the work that singled out Massachusetts as the worst state to get "lost" in. I hope it is just an obtuse opinion, and not based in fact ... :(

I read with some confusion the part about David Boomhower. What a horrible situation. I grew up just South of Northville and have completed the thru-hike twice now... Being lost in that area for 55 days is just about unimaginable to me - both because I cant imagine what it would be like.... and because I can't imagine how on earth it happened.

Does anyone have anything additional on this? I would really appreciate a few leads to more information. Google turns up nothing. Rick did you find more info?

As an aside, I am also amazed that this is the first time I have heard about this. I was in college at the time (in Syracuse), and not a hiker, but I don't recall hearing about this on the news or anything. I've asked my folks, and they do not recall anything about it either..... we used to vacation near Lewey Lake every year.
This article was incredible. Where did it come from? I have passed it on to others. I think the concept of respect and humilty for the outdoors is both spiritual and life saving.
I found the Adirondac issue with the Boomhower article. It was July/August 93.
I will bring it into work on Monday and scan it into a word doc. I spoke to the ADK, I would need to get specific permission from them to have it posted online, however, the person I spoke with said I would be free to e-mail the article to others.

Please let me know if you are interested in a copy.
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