lyme disease

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Jan 15, 2004
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Guilderland, NY
what do you guys know about lyme disease? how about instances of it up in the ne of ny? my friend is convinced he may have it. he has all these weird symptoms which have popped up over the last 2 mos. his dr. is clueless & he is currently looking into a new dr and seeing an infectious disease specialist. it's my understanding this is very hard to diagnos. but, if you have the symptoms a dr should at least get you on a regime of antibiotics, which won't hurt and may help. anyone with any experience or info?? (i also read that drs are leary of treatment for this, because it is mainly diagnosed based on symptoms vs actual test results and insurance companies don't want to pay)
I have also had it. I was lucky enough to have the distinguishing patch of itchy red skin, so it was simple to diagnose. I believe I got it in the JBL area, but I cannot be certain. Fatigue, and in later months joint pain can be symptoms. I remember being overly tired. The medicine made my stomache upset in the morning, but it was worth it as I am now cured.

I have also had Lyme's Disease. My symptoms were the common reddish, hot-to-the-touch bull's eye rash (though not everyone gets this!), and aches and fever that came on and went away VERY suddenly. I was tested and results came back positive. Left untreated, the symptoms go away initially, but the disease doesn't, and may come back to haunt you. I was put on antibiotics for three weeks, which is, I believe, the standard treatment. I have a friend who has the chronic Lyme symptoms (neurological) and believe me, you don't want to go there! Although I spend a lot of time in the Adirondacks, I was told that it is more likely that I got it closer to home.
Some people who get bitten get the bulls eye rash but up to 50% of people do not get this type of rash. SOme people get a rash consisting of multiple tiny red lesions. Other symptoms include flu like symptoms - malaise, fatigue, fever, sweats, chills, muscle and body aches. Symptoms can last several weeks and change but the fatigue can linger. Within weeks or months patients can also develop neurological and cardiac problems and arthritis. The doctor can order lab tests - an ELISA test and western blot ( the same type of tests done for HIV) . IF the rash is still present a skin biopsy can be done. It may take several weeks for the blood tests to become positive - the body has to build up antibodies that the labs are testing for. Adults are ususally treated with doxycycline, amoxicillin or erythromycin, hope this helps.