New member
What I am looking for is info like the WMG provides about the trails (distance, elevation, book time). I have the AMC Maine Mtn Guide, but it doesn't break down the info about the trails quite like the WMG does. For most of the routes I am thinking about, you can get mileage and at least book time to the summit, but I'd like to be able to better estimate round trip book time, plus also have an idea of the elevation gain. Knowing how much elevation in a day makes my legs tired, this would be good for trying to plan out weekends in Maine with multiple hikes. I can get a rough idea with a topo map, but I'd like to get as accurate as possible.
Does anyone know of a website, guide, or gps files that would have more of this information?
Does anyone know of a website, guide, or gps files that would have more of this information?