Bob-- thanks again for posting the times.
I went w/ a small group up Mt Success with some trepidation about the road; we were planning on getting there early & staying late, & hoping the 2-6 thing was accurate (and wondering how we would know when the coast was clear
We got to Success Pond Road, there was a small sign posted about a mile into it, with small print saying "Road closed 2:30pm-6pm". I hope there was nobody that missed the sign & got inconvenienced by the road rally.
We couldn't see the cars but we could hear them and could see clouds of smoke rising from the road just about everywhere! I can't imagine taking that road at high speed. As it is, I feel like every mile on that road takes 100 miles off my car's lifespan. On the way out we saw one racecar abandoned on the side of the road, looking in pretty bad shape. (It had been taken out by the next morning; I went back with another group for Mt Carlo.)
Road/trailhead condition report -- (I hadn't been there since last year)
Road seems in fairly good shape, for a gravel logging artery road, at least to the Carlo/Goose Eye trailhead. There are a few deep dips where there are some culverts; I don't remember these being there before in prior years. The first mile always seems the worst, I guess that's because it's hilly whereas the rest is relatively flat. There are now mileage markers on the road (!), which almost seems to spoil the ruggedness of the place, but then again it's nice to have some idea where you are.
The Goose Eye/Carlo trailsign is easy to spot (a little ways past mile marker 8). There used to be a sign for the Success Trail (somewhere between miles 5 and 6), but it is gone now. (A round log post is still there, with a wooden square nailed to it where the trail sign should be.) A side road leads into a log landing about 1/2 mile in; there are still two signs, one about halfway where the side road forks, another at the log landing where the hiking trail starts. When we went, the side road was blocked off with yellow "CAUTION" tape (hiking in from the main road adds that extra 1/2mile each way), but the next day the tape was gone & hopefully anyone should be able to park at the log landing (if you can find it!!!).