Marcy Swamp

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Jan 19, 2005
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Clarksville, MD Avatar: Babo, SE Arete, Summit
Anyone been up to Marcy Swamp Lately?

I'd like to hike through there to haystack from Elk lake this weekend. Wonder how much of this is going to be impassable without getting shoes totally soaked. Will probably bring Teva's, but would be good to know for the other people in my party going as well.

Have never done that stretch... but have heard soggy things.

I have not been there recently, but I visited that area 2 years ago around this time. It is really beautiful, and worth any sogginess. When I was there, it was dry, but I could see how it could get soggy.

That area, at this time of year, is bound to have quite an insect problem, so be mindfull of that. It is a good idea to bring some veil material to put over you for lunch, or at the very least, a head-net.

I was there last year & it's really nice. But when I went, it was raining. Very slippery on the log bridges if it's rained, and there are a lot of them. I can't imagine how much work the trail crews must have put in.
I was there last October and agree with Doug on the bridges. There must be almost a mile of boardwalk through the wettest parts. It's a very nice area and not any wetter than other ADK hikes.
Thanks for the input!

I was sort of apprehensive about taking some friends into the area (on the way to haystack) but I am psyched to hear good things and see some new terrain. I will be sure to follow-up this thread when we return next week.

I went into Panther Gorge from the Four Corners last week and thought that area was very and refreshing! The climb up to Bartlett Ridge features some blowdown, standing water/mud in the flat sections, and lots of bugs (when I was there) but nothing overly bothersome all in all. The climb of Haystack is awesome from that direction.

Any updates?

Has anyone traipsed through Marcy Swamp recently? Are the boardwalks flooded?

If so, what is the recommended way to avoid soaking your boots? Bring flip-flops?

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