Message for PIN PIN - TRAIL CONDITIONS - Please read

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How can ya bash a cute mug like this?? (We're talking about the bunny of course :p ) Thanks for bustin' out trail on all of those winter peaks Alain!
Pete_Hickey said:
I don'T give two hoots about the trail conditions, however I just like reading the reports.

If nothing else, the trail conditions are an excellent place to research illegal brush and tree removal by unauthorized yet well meaning hiker-types who really need to be locked up. :D :D

I'll add my support to the Pin-Pin fan club - he did a great job of tromping out the Haystack-Basin-Saddleback route just a day before I wandered over to do the same. And yes, I wore snowshoes.

As Elmer Fudd might say "That wascally wabbit weally gets awound!"
Glad I missed the bashing and double glad that the trolls have been given a lashing!

Pin Pin- I enjoy your reports, they're wonderfully colorful and informative. And I hope someday to meet the bunny on the trail.

You guys are great!
Mavs - right on. I think a lot of us should utilize the trail conditions section more regulary, myself included (not that I think I'm a ninja like Pin Pin and many others). It is a valuable service.

Peakbagr and Darren - Nice bust! This board is so much nicer now that the riff raff have been booted. My hat is off to the diligence that's been demonstrated. Thanks.
Dear Sir,

Sorry to hear of this. Thank you for your trail reports. I'm a southern dude from Maryland who respects, and depends, a great deal on stellar trail updates such as yours....ignore the haters and keep'em coming.

Thanks Again,

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Warrior report

I am proud to be one of Pinpin's "warriors" this season on hikes to Allen and the Sewards, and I've seen him on two other hikes. He is truly a role model for all of us, and exhibits standards of behavior, stamina, and skill that few will even come close to. One example: Pinpin's route-finding from Donaldson to Seward through rough terrain, cliffs, ice, etc., was just unbelievable. After weaving and seemingly wandering through dense spruce (just for fun, I think), he turned up between the cliffs at precisely the right time and shortly after, there were at the summit with big smiles :) .

It has been an honor and privilege to hike with him, and I hope I have the chance (and stamina) to do it again. Detractors might just have a different opinion if they hoisted up their pack and went out with him for a day!

Keep up the reports, Pinpin, and continue berating the postholers.

all this talk about pinpin but what about Junior? if not for junior ther would be no pinpin .Thank you daxs on behalf of all the hikers below albany,I am a N.Y.C. firefighter that hikes extensively.I also am well schooled in wilderness rescue and deal with more trama cases than most E.R. M.D.s I,m the guy that gets them to the Ambulance. I hope no harm should befall anybody,but if it dose I,m the guy you want to find on the trail or in the parking lot.(I carry every thing just short of an I.v. setup in my trunk) I can sustain a 12 min. mile on all but the hardest of trails. I also lost over 60 close friends in the Trade Center.I submit all this beta with great humillity so that when I speak on the subject of loyalty, compasion and prejudice it will give some insight to were I,m coming from.PEAKBAGR this is your show,and pinpin gives us all inspiration,laughs,and valuable info If he did not know that ,he should now.I am not sure the context you used "ingnorant American inbread ' but you must understand when I say AMERICAN regardless of wether you are or not should never be used in this context ,no if and or buts.I am sorry but thats prejudice.
kd9truck said:
if not for junior ther would be no pinpin .
I think you have that backwards, unless you're playing on the line, "The child is the father of the man."

Pinpin (name should be Bitbit in English) is the father, who was lost (in the sewards), and then found again. Junior is his son..... And then there is the guy who used to hike with Pinpin, and now hikes with Junior.
I missed the rabbit bashing by the anonymous coward, but I would like to add my thanks and support to PinPinJr for the valuable service he provides to hikers. I have now seen Alain several times on the trail, and he is as nice a man as you will ever meet. His trip reports are a continued source of information as well as entertainment. We won't always have "The Rabbit" out there breaking trail for us, so let's appreciate this special time and just get out there and hike. -Bob VH
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Man, I missed alot!

Ya know, I almost started a thread this past week when I was in a particularly weird mood to say just how much I love reading the trail reports from PINPIN and the illustrious JUNIOR. I don't get up to the mountains enough to make use of the reports for myself, but I enjoy his sense of humor interjected in there and do use the valuable information whenever I can.

Merci pour toute votre aide merveilleuse dans le passé, s'il vous plaît continuer à aider, enchanter et amuser nous avec votre grande information !
(I did this with the help of, I don't actually speak french.) :D
my hat is off as well.

While I havent been hiking as much lately, I do love your reports pinpin!
Nice meetin ya on cliff a couple months back :)

keep on keepin' on.
jbrown said:
Merci pour toute votre aide merveilleuse dans le passé, s'il vous plaît continuer à aider, enchanter et amuser nous avec votre grande information !
(I did this with the help of, I don't actually speak french.) :D

Let's see if it work well on the opposite (french to english)

(Merci Alain d'être parmi nous, et je crois qu'il est impossible de mesurer tes exploits, tu resteras le seul au sommet)

Thank-you Alain to be among us, and I believe that it is impossible to measure your exploits, you will remain the alone to the summit.

That thing is not bad at all, thanks for sharing the link.

But Pin Pin : Don't use it, your trip reports are much more appreciated when you do it yourself. Nobody wants boring automatic computer stuff, we prefer humanity ;)
timmus said:
But Pin Pin : Don't use it, your trip reports are much more appreciated when you do it yourself. Nobody wants boring automatic computer stuff, we prefer humanity ;)

No doubt about it. I even somtimes find myself talking PinPin to my son Nicholas as we talk about our next adventure.

"Come on Nick, we make a bush hike and catched the summit of Little Moose". :D :D
timmus said:
Let's see if it work well on the opposite (french to english)

(Merci Alain d'être parmi nous, et je crois qu'il est impossible de mesurer tes exploits, tu resteras le seul au sommet)

Thank-you Alain to be among us, and I believe that it is impossible to measure your exploits, you will remain the alone to the summit.

That thing is not bad at all, thanks for sharing the link.

But Pin Pin : Don't use it, your trip reports are much more appreciated when you do it yourself. Nobody wants boring automatic computer stuff, we prefer humanity ;)

I agree with everything you just said! :D
I had heard about this and as everyone else totally disgusted with the remarks Pin Pin had to read. I shot Pin Pin an email asking him to ignore those comments and that everyone here relied on his information and honestly looked forward to it. I was further glad to see Darren post the ip information of the perp showing tax dollars at work?

Pin Pin keep on posting my friend, your english is better than my french!
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