Missing hiker with possible bad intent


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So where is this "Bull Brook" you speak of?

forestgnome said:
... I tend to go places that might look suitable for a place to hide, such as the Bull Brook drainage area.

Just kidding, but I took it as a little challenge to find it. At first glance, I just started looking where I've been looking lately, the Montalban Ridge. But then I thought: No, that's not where I'd go; I'd go east of the Carters into the Wild River area. So I flipped over the map and started at Perkins Notch and..., lo & behold, there it is.

But then I thought,

If this guy is actually a fugitive from the law, as opposed to being suicidal or on some strange adventure, then playing hide-&-seek in the north woods is very expensive. Wouldn't the odds-on favorite be for him to be alias-ing his way south or west?

Either way, it sounds like someone in a tight spot; I hope he finds a karmically suitable resolution (how's that for pc?).

The other Mike beat me to it, but there you go.
I don't know if anyone needs to avoid that area now. And I personally don’t believe Sparky is out there right now. My guess is that he has left the area and is hold up in a hotel or traveling cross country. I don’t know what his background is. Maybe he is a survivalist and is living out there now. I have run across several people who I suspected were living out in the woods, long term. One group in particular really worried me. It appeared to be a family and even the 6 year old had the 1000 yard stare.

My comment was based upon the information about the original posting. I would strongly encourage anyone who knows of someone that has altered mental status or is actively talking about trying to kill themselves to not confront such an individual, especially to "help". If they have intention of doing themselves harm then in general they have no reason not to hurt responders or even bystanders. Doesn’t mean they will but the potential is definitely there. Some of them actually believe that they should hurt responders because they believe that will serve their ultimate goal which is to die.

I won’t go into all the legal intricacies about trying to help someone like this but suffice to say that if you do try to help someone like this. Do you know how to do it? Do you tackle and start rolling around on the ground and wrestle the knife away from the person? Do you then figure the only way you can stop them from still beating on you and carrying out their threat is to restrain them by tying them up? You don't really think they are going to give up without a fight, do you? He may be very strongly motivated. Your actions may make him decide to take action now before it’s too late. If you do tie him up and get the situation “under control”. What are you going to say when the authorities arrive and he insists that he was minding his own business, taking a Sunday stroll when all of a sudden you jumped him and held him at knife point, you are still in possession of his knife right? While you beat him and then tied him up. You get to say “but he looked crazy and he was saying crazy things”. He gets to show them all the bruises, cuts and rope burns he has. :eek: I see kidnapping and assault charges in your future. Of course that is probably still better then finding the both of you dead at the bottom of a cliff or both dead from stab wounds or gunshots. Of course on the up side, if you are both dead it will lend credence to the story about them wanting to commit suicide and you being a hero.

Just my $.02,
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SAR-EMT40 said:
My comment was based upon the information about the original posting. I would strongly encourage anyone who knows of someone that has altered mental status or is actively talking about trying to kill themselves to not confront such an individual, especially to "help". If they have intention of doing themselves harm then in general they have no reason not to hurt responders or even bystanders. Doesn’t mean they will but the potential is definitely there. Some of them actually believe that they should hurt responders because they believe that will serve their ultimate goal which is to die.


Thanks Keith again for the heads up on this "Original Post". As I mentioned originally I was headed into that exact area during that time. I also found it prudent based upon your post to change my plans as fortunately we have a whole wide open forest out there other than this particular area to enjoy. As I can see the challenges of an indvidual such as this person may face and the need for compassion for that individual; IMO it does not hurt to give these situations some space rather than treating it as it is no big deal and go along with your daily business.Also IMO this situatiion had the potential to become a "Media Circus" based upon the information that it was happening in and around Mt. Washington which I think is hard to argue is a magnet for it's own Fanfare compared to other places in the woods which the situation could have been occuring.
I suspect he is intent on trying to disappear, one way or the other. Littering the trail with people mugged, robbed or worse won't help him do that.
Mike P. said:
I suspect he is intent on trying to disappear, one way or the other. Littering the trail with people mugged, robbed or worse won't help him do that.

JUST opinion here, so take it for that.

Navy Seals are not trained survivalists. Their missions are In and Out, get the job done, don't get caught.

From Hermit Lake, Randolph Path to Old Jackson Road to the Auto Road is an easy walk, and brings one out at 2 Mile Park on the AR. A waiting car there could have easily brought him down the AR and away to wherever. That is a pretty easy way to disappear off Mt Washington when you've got everyone's imaginations otherwise engaged.
