Monodnock date change - 11/13

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Ivy, you don't want that tent all snugged up in winter,unless you want it to snow in your tent from the condensation. Unless the snow is blowing sideways,I usually leave plenty of ventilation to keep the inside drier.
And I'm not expecting the snow to blow sideways that weekend,but it sure would be fun!:D Winter camping is where it's at!!!
What I remember of Ivy's tent is that it had only a mesh front - no vestibule, no separate fly, no way at all to keep the wind out. It's really just a bug net with a waterproof top.

You will want something, anything, to block the wind coming through without compromising ventilation. As long as you have that and a warm bag you'll be fine.

Hi, Peakbgr

What a great idea! I'd like to join this hike--put me down for a slow hiking group. Did you post a meeting place and time? I didn't see anything on this thread.

I won't be camping but would carpool or offer a ride to someone. I live near the Rt. 2/I-495 junction.

Pat T.
Did November ever sneak up on us or what?
I was thinking 9am in the main lot.
Lets wait until a couple of days before so we can check out the weather.