Moose Loose in My House!!!

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It’s easy to see why you couldn’t wait until April 1st to share the photo of the “moose loose” in your house! Great photo!!

Trust me, I’m not trying to upstage you, or hijack your thread, but as a person who appreciates moose, I thought you might be interested in the photo below. It was taken inside the 7 Dwarfs Motel in Twin Mountain this past winter. Judging from the facial expression on the moose and the proximity of the restrooms, this might be the face of a moose that just let loose!
Judging from the facial expression on the moose and the proximity of the restrooms, this might be the face of a moose that just let loose!

I've never seen a living moose with an expression like that. It's face is more like "who the hell are you walking into my living room?" or "I gotta get the hell outta here!"