Moosilauke 9/25 #48 slight time change

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2003
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SherpaK is going up Beaver Brook, and requested that those of us going up Gorge Brook from the Ravine Lodge start on-trail at 9am. So we'll meet up anytime after 8:30 and hit the trail right at 9:00. Should mean a noon summit, 3ish back down, 4ish at the Woodstock Inn.

Karen and I will be aiming to get there around 6:30 for a 7am (at latest) start on the Gorge Brook Trail.

We'd be happy to have the company of any one else feeling similarly speed-challenged :)

Everybody think dry thoughts!

Michael, Thanks!

Anyone wishing to join me, please do so (I was going to post after talking to Michael. If we are real good, perhaps some in his crew can get us back to our cars if we decide to traverse across :) As is it now, I am heading up solo. You know my pace: about book.

HikerBob: You could leave a bit later and still be well ahead of MichaelJ. Gorge Brook is relatively easy and short. You'll love "Metsky's Staircase" (my name - his, and others, handiwork)
Sherp - I'll be happy to run you back to your car after. I also had it in mind to go up via Beaver Brook but I don't think I should subject Karen to such a steep trail. I'll save it for another day :)

As for the early start, if we do make it up in good time we'll probably head over to catch you on your way up.

I see from recent pics you are sporting some face fungus, must be all the rage as I have some of the same. Mind you, first time I get a snotsickle (a la Turnbill on the N Kinsman trip) it's coming off :D


I'll meet you there around 4:00 to join the party. I am finishing up my 48 with North and Middle Tripyramids, #47-48. I am Leave Livermore at 8:30, should be plenty of time to get up the peaks, celebrate and get over to the Woodstock. :cool: :cool:

I doubt that it will dampen MichaelJ's celebration, but it will certainly be a shared one! Dawn and Tom (hikethe115 from will be joining in after they finish their 111/115 on Carrigain, and Lisa (alpinista) will be coming along after finishing her 48 on Isolation this week!

These celebrations are getting in the way of my lists! Cut it out!

HikerBob: nothing wrong with the picture. It will be nice by Saturday. Guaranteed.

amstony: will be good to meet and congratulate you!
Hmmmm.... now there's an idea for a new list. Do the 48 while celebrating someone finishing the 48 at each summit!

Might take a while to finish that one :D

quoted by SherpaKroto

Or get someone to volunteer to finish on Galehead
Trying to start something on this thread too, Sherpa? :)

After seeing HikerBob’s forecast, I’ll likely be coming from somewhere in the area. Are you still planning an 8:00 start at Rt. 112?
Nathalie and I will be in the area. We wil be initiating two rookie hikers to the charms of the White Mountains.

We'll definitely try to stop by and celebrate with all the finishers.

Hmmm, looks more and more like Gathering 7.1.
Of course - 5 beautiful days and then crap for the weekend. :D

Oh, well. I'm sure it will change by the weekend, and I'm going rain or shine. The only difference will be whether I start drinking with cold beer or Irish coffee.
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