One testimonial: I was on an AMC trip to the Captain. It was a group of skiers and hikers. The skiers swithched to snowshoes after the apprach on Sawyer Pond trail from the Kanc. On the return trip, when we got down to the trail, the leader said, "let the skiers go first because they are faster." All the skiers took off. I was in 8 point crampons for traction on hard pack trail. I walked along and sequentially caught up to and briefly talked with each skier before passing them. When I caught up to the first skier, I was following right behind her at about 3.5 mph pace. At the final (big) river crossing I continued accoss while she removed her skis for the crossing.....antd that's how I met Sue Johnston.
I think that I might have been on x-c skis for this trip; can you remind me with the date?