Mount Hale (Fire Warden's Trail)

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Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
White Mountains
Date of Hike: Saturday, January 19th

Trails: Herd Paths, North Twin Trail, Fire Warden's Trail, Hale Brook Trail, Zealand Road

Parking: Zealand Road Winter lot has lots of space but it actually was jammed packed when we got back in the afternoon. Little River Road has enough room for a few cars at the end of it, be careful not to block the turn around so plows can turn around.

Trail Conditions: Herd path to North Twin Trailhead broken out well, North Twin Trail was broken out well, snow shoes or light traction. Fire Warden's Trail had about a half foot of light fluffy snow but it was easy to stay on the path, snowshoes worked perfectly. Hale Brook trail broken out well, brook crossing snow bridged, snowshoes worked great. Zealand Road was beaten down so snowshoes, boots, or light traction was fine.

Special Equipment: Snowshoes and light traction

Comments: Real fun and quick hike with great company. Fire Warden's Trail is such a nice hike in the winter, very easy grade all the way and the Birch trees make it really pretty! Weather turned out much better than expected which made for a pleasant hike in the woods. Only downer was a group of hikers at Zealand Road Winter lot who questioned my friends ability about if she knew what she was doing hiking in the winter. She definitely does and next time please just say have a fun hike! Pictures / Report

Name: Chris ([email protected])