Just an update. Jefferson was awesome! Cap Ridge Trail was incredible! Climbing up the caps wasn't to bad with the crowds. The summit looked like I was hiking Monadnock. It was a bit hot today but I shouldn't complain as we won't get many more of these days this year. Also, on the way home, I93 was lined up with cars of people hiking Lafeyette. I've never seen anything like it. On Facebook someone was saying a Ranger had 845 on his counter.
I didn't write a trail report, but I did a "Jeff" loop on Saturday. It was sort of great, sort of painful! (Well, mainly painful).
I went up Caps--no crowds (9 am start). Then, big mistake, I went DOWN Castle trail--ouch ouch ouch on the knees. Countless bumps and bruises going down cliffs and ledges (this trail was really hard going down, would be super tough going up.) Then--the dreaded Link trail--what a mistake. I almost started a thread on "trails we love to hate" but thought it too negative. The Link is everything that people warned me of, including this description from the trail guide "...very rough pathway with countless roots, rocks, and hollows that are very tricky and tedious to negotiate." That was a bit of an understatement.
I had thought, how bad could it be? But it was bad, bad, very bad! I don't think there were 10 straight steps the whole 1.6 miles of it. Every step was a negotiation up, down, around roots and holes. I had a couple of "127 Hours" moments when my foot got jammed in a wedge between rocks--yikes!
The only good thing I can say about it was that it was a relief to get off the Castles...
Note to self: when someone calls a trail "interesting," pay heed!