Mt. Cabot approach

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Pete Hogan

New member
Sep 10, 2003
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Saratoga Springs, NY
After quite a lot of internet reading regarding approach choices to Mt. Cabot and following the text of the AMC White Mountain Guide, I remain somewhat undecided on how to reach this summit most efficiently (distance and elevation gain). A lot has been said about Unknown Pond and The Horn and we are willing to include those scenic places if they merit the added distance, time and effort without compromising our return time.

This will be a summer day trip driving from Joe Dodge Lodge where we will be staying. Any thoughts on an estimate of driving time to the approach trail head at York Pond Road?

Here are my preferred choices. What do you think?

1. Bunnell Notch Trail from York Pond Road to Kilkenny Ridge Trail over Mt. Cabot. Return by same route.

2. Bunnell Notch Trail from York Pond Road to Kilkenny Ridge Trail over Mt. Cabot, The Bulge, The Horn to Unknown Pond Trail and back to York Pond Road.

3. Unknown Pond Trail from York Pond Road to Kilkenny Ridge Trail over The Horn, The Bulge and Mt. Cabot. Return to York Pond Road via Bunnell Notch Trail.

One other factor that seems to be inconsistent enough to flag a concern is a gate at the Berlin Fish Hatchery that is locked from 4 PM to 8 AM. The AMC Guide states that hikers who plan to leave cars west of this gate should make arrangements with the gatehouse person or by phone with the hatchery.

If we park before the gate, it will add an additional 2.1 miles to the trip. (BTW, is parking restricted or limited before the gate?)

If we park west of the gate and eliminate the 2.1- road walk to the York Pond trail head, we must return to the car by 4 PM or risk being locked inside the gate. If we choose to do a loop trip (#2 or #3 above) the return time could be later than 4 PM. That increases the probability that we will be stuck inside the gate for the night.

If this is so, the only practical choice we have is to park before the gate, add the extra 4.2 miles RT and make up the lost time of added mileage by only hiking choice #1 above. That means a loop trip (#2 or #3 above) that includes The Bulge, The Horn and Unknown Pond is out of the question.

Are my conclusions accurate? Do I have the logistics correct? Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help!
Last summer I talked to a local forestry worker about the gate. He told me that at that time anyway, the gate could not be locked because of a problem caused by the recent road work. However, he said the gate would eventually be fixed. I don't know it has been fixed yet, but the last I heard it had not yet been repaired.

He also told me that if I ever got stuck behind the locked gate to walk to the nearby houses next to the gate and ask to be let out. He said that in the unlikely case that no one was there to wait a bit because they would eventually return. I got the impression that they would prefer to come and let you out, than to leave you behind the gate all night.

He also said that if I found the gate closed to actually check and see if it was locked. He said that early one morning he found someone asleep in his car at the gate waiting for it to be opened and in fact it had never been locked that night.

One final point, He said that when they were locking the gate that they tended to do it when night fell. That would make it around 4:00 PM in December, but much later in June.
Pete Hogan said:
This will be a summer day trip driving from Joe Dodge Lodge where we will be staying. Any thoughts on an estimate of driving time to the approach trail head at York Pond Road?
That's about a 30-35 minute drive
For the Bunnell Notch-KRT-Unknown Pond loop it is about 11.5 miles. Both the Bunnell Notch and Unknown Pond trails are beautiful as are the pond itself and the views from the Horn. I would recommend the looop over a Bunnell Notch up-and-back to Cabot. Cabot's nice but you'd be missing what I think are the highlights of the area.

As for the Fish Hatchery gate it should be a non-issue. When I have visited I've either called or stopped at the office on my way in to let them know I'd be hiking that day and would be getting out late. Every time they have said that they might close but wouldn't be locking the gate. I've never even found the gate closed. You can reach them at 603.449.3412.

We hiked Cabot using the Fish Hatchery approach last summer. We spoke to the friendly fish hatchery guy who was riding around on an ATV. He gave us the impresion that the gate would not be locked as long as there were hiker cars parked at the trailhead. We got back to our car well after dark, and the gate was wide open. Problems with the Fish Hatchery gate seem to be a non-issue.

If you hadn't thought of it, I would like to recommend an awesome backpacking trip on the Kilkenny Ridge Trail/Starr King Trails. If you spot a car at one of the ends, you can do a one or two night trip over some awesome peaks in this remote area. This is one of our all-time favorite 3 day weeked trips!
Pete Hogan said:
After quite a lot of internet reading regarding approach choices to Mt. Cabot and following the text of the AMC White Mountain Guide, I remain somewhat undecided on how to reach this summit most efficiently (distance and elevation gain). A lot has been said about Unknown Pond and The Horn and we are willing to include those scenic places if they merit the added distance, time and effort without compromising our return time.

This will be a summer day trip driving from Joe Dodge Lodge where we will be staying. Any thoughts on an estimate of driving time to the approach trail head at York Pond Road?
I realize that your trip will be a Summer hike, but for anyone contemplating this hike in the immediate future, I offer the following (for what it’s worth!).

On 18-March SilverFox & I hiked to Mt. Cabot via York Pond, Bunnell Notch & Kilkenny Ridge Trails (and returned via same route). At that time, the Kilkenny Ridge trail was not broken out in the direction of The Horn. So, this MIGHT indicate that this trail segment is not frequently traversed in Winter/early Spring). Which MIGHT indicate you’d need to break trail if you did a loop. But who knows?! Trail conditions are very unpredictable. Just thought I’d pass this info along.

Below is a link to the Trail Conditions report filed for the trek on 18-March:
If you havent done the trip from Joe Dodge Lodge to York Pond before, plan on 45 minute to 1 hour drive. The increase in time is to make up for the time you get lost drving around Berlin trying to find route 110. The odds of finding the right turns the first time is about 66% (so you a have a 1/3 chance of taking a wrong turn). There are signs, but there are two separate 110's in spots, the truck route and the regular route and both are signed poorly. It has gotten slightly better this year as a section of 110 that was closed for two years just reopened. I wouldnt trust GPS routing software, just drive slow, look for signs and be willing to ask for directions. (if you drive under a !railroad track, you are hafl way there!)

Dont worry about getting lost and never finding your way out, just plan on a few minutes of scratching your head.

As mentioned by several folks, the gate at the hatchery is typically a non issue.

The Bunnel Notch trail was partially relocated a few years ago to reduce its reputation of being a wet hike. The upper section is still wet but not bad during most of the summer and fall. The loop via Unknown Pond is great but makes for a long day. The Horn is a big bonus, manyfolks rate it better than the Cabot viewpoint
Funny you say that Peakbagger. I figure the chances off missing Rte. 110 when taking the left off Hillside Ave. is closer to 100%. So, when I give directions, I say "...once you come to the Notre Dame Arena, turn around and take your first right..." Works like a charm :)
Note that the 8 am opening hour is also bogus, although if you drive up from downstate or eat breakfast at Pinkham you probably won't get there any sooner

Actual work hours at the hatchery start at 7:30, it is the visiting hours at the hatchery buildings that are 8-4. One day before the gate broke I wanted an early start and got there just after 7 figuring to eat breakfast there and get in when it opened but it was already open! I was told that the first guy arriving for work leaves the gate open for the rest, so it is probably open by 7:15 at the latest and at that time there was one guy who liked to read the paper before work and would open up at 6:30 on days he was on. Of course if the gate was left open all night you can go in anytime :)

So if you're an early bird, grab a bite at McDonalds on your way past and save on that AMC breakfast and get an early start

(and I would vote for the loop if you're up for that distance, going up over The Horn so as to do the steeper trail uphill)
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peakbagger said:
If you havent done the trip from Joe Dodge Lodge to York Pond before, plan on 45 minute to 1 hour drive. The increase in time is to make up for the time you get lost drving around Berlin trying to find route 110.
I'll second that. The route of the detour (assuming they haven't finished their roadwork) is really quite comical. You may want to leave a trail of breadcrumbs...
Fewer breadcrumbs needed now that the detour is no longer, Dugs observation is normally where everyone misses the turn. Of course a lot of folks miss the first left off of mainstreet (rt 16) (first left after the Aubuchon hardware store) and get a tour of downtown Berlin ;)
A) Do not skip The Horn or Unknown Pond -- Cabot is a check mark on the loop. The views at these locations are stellar.

B) I got lost trying to find 110 and ended up going up and around and back down.

C) Don't miss The Horn

D) There were many moose signs, including a large brown VW with antlers crossing the trail 50' ahead of us :) (coming down from Unknown Pond)

E) Don't skip The Horn

F) I have never seen anyone post that the gate is actually locked. The odds are very low. If you call and pre-arrange things, they will be sure not to lock it.

TR of this loop:

I did Cabot as an out-and-back from the north (Mill Brook Rd.) last July. It was a gorgeous route and we only saw people near the summit of Cabot; highly recommended. (And the view from the Horn is top-notch.) After staying at Hiker's Paradise (including breakfast) and getting horribly lost in Berlin, we hit the trail at 9:30 and were out by about 4:30.

It's more time in the car, of course.
dug said:
Funny you say that Peakbagger. I figure the chances off missing Rte. 110 when taking the left off Hillside Ave. is closer to 100%. So, when I give directions, I say "...once you come to the Notre Dame Arena, turn around and take your first right..." Works like a charm :)

Ha Ha..that is so true..kind of tricky getting through Berlin south to north though much easier coming back..sometime'is I am not sure I made the right turn until coming to the aquamarine house up on 110....

The horn ia a spectacular viewpoint.. well worth the extra bit of climb..we found this trail unbroken on a soft snow day with a group of 2 so bagged Cabot only which was packed out

The gate was frozen into the snowbanks won't be closed any time soon
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Don’t forget your WMNF parking pass

I didn’t have any trouble with the hatchery gate, but I did get a warning left on the car because I didn’t have a parking pass, and there was no pipe in the vicinity in which to leave a three-dollar one-day payment.

It wasn’t worth driving all the way out to look for a place selling passes, but as I say it was only a warning, not a ticket.

I did the loop that day, passing over The Horn and The Bulge en route to Cabot, then descending through Bunnell Notch. I’ve forgotten how long it took me, but I’m pretty sure it was less than seven hours.
Raymond said:
I didn’t have any trouble with the hatchery gate, but I did get a warning left on the car because I didn’t have a parking pass,

Really? At the fish hatchery? Was this before the WMNF opened up some lots to free parking again? I can't believe it is worth their while to patrol that outlying lot.

vegematic said:
Really? At the fish hatchery? Was this before the WMNF opened up some lots to free parking again? I can't believe it is worth their while to patrol that outlying lot.
I believe there is a fee sign at the Unknown Pond Trail parking.

There is no sign at York Pond/Bunnell Notch trailhead and I have parked there twice without a ticket, as you say it's hardly worth daily patrols but they must go there occasionally to pick up litter, etc.

The hatchery workers are state not federal so presumably they can't be deputized to issue tickets.
RoySwkr said:
I believe there is a fee sign at the Unknown Pond Trail parking.

There is no sign at York Pond/Bunnell Notch trailhead and I have parked there twice without a ticket, as you say it's hardly worth daily patrols but they must go there occasionally to pick up litter, etc.

Huh. I never noticed the sign there before. That's good to know.
