Mt. Cabot approach

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I parked at the Bunnell Notch trail head, which if I remember correctly was a little farther along the road — at its very end, probably — than the Unknown Pond trail head. It was Independence Day 2002, the Fourth of July, but I saw no other hikers all day. There was a camper by a tent at Unknown Pond, but that was it. I was surprised it was so quiet.

Incidentally, for what it’s worth, I checked my records. The hike took me 6 hours 5 minutes. And I saw 41 toads during the hike!
How about from Mill Brook Road in Stark, up the northern end of the Unknown Pond Trail to the pond, up the Horn, then back.
The mill brook approach to Cabot is a long one. It is the easiest approach to the Horn. Nice woods walk and you get to walk by the Horn, but if the goal is Cabot, its a bit out of the way. If you do this route, plan on adding on a half mile so you can get the view from the old firetower spot and check out the cabin.
bikehikeskifish said:
I do recall that Cabot + Bulge + Horn + Unknown Pond loop was remarkable for the number of toads we saw. I wonder why? It was fairly damp, but it had rained the night before...


The frogs are out in big numbers too! Last MD weekend we did the Unknown Pond/Bulge/Horn/Cabot loop and camped at the pond. The frogs were so loud you could not carry on a conversation without practically shouting. Very weird!
DougPaul said:
Actually, they don't even close the gate in winter.


I can back this up now. I found the following quote: "The gate east of the fish hatchery on the York Pond Road in the Kilkenny is now locked OPEN for the winter. That is, visitors can expect the gate to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." on the White Mountain National Forest website:
Ed'n Lauky said:
I can back this up now. I found the following quote: "The gate east of the fish hatchery on the York Pond Road in the Kilkenny is now locked OPEN for the winter. That is, visitors can expect the gate to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." on the White Mountain National Forest website:
I just saw it too...

When I visited a few years ago, I saw that the gate was covered by the plow pile. Clearly not lockable...
