Mt. Hood ideas

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Wonderful pictures. I'm even more excited now than I was before. We made our application Saturday for the mid-July three-day training seminar and summit climb. Perhaps a little late in the season but I'm sure we'll have a great time, no matter what. I'm still making a list of other things to do while we're there...Looking at Tilly Jane Trail (my daughter's name is Jane), the Tom, Dick and Harry Looop, St. Helen, etc. There won't be time to do everything we want, but there should be opportunity to squeeze in a Full Sail brew or three.
But just so you know, it's pretty unlikely you'll be on Hood alone on the South side ;)

Here is a TR from this past weekend, check out the pics

This is ONE rope team, with two people either way out front or in the very back, cant remember.

TEN people on a single rope....? :eek: ("Can you say 'clusterfudge' children? Sure, I knew you could.")

O-kay, then!

The North side is looking much more attractive for when I get out there. Unfortunately, it'll prolly be next summer, not this year. :(
Ten to a rope? :rolleyes: Sorry, but I'd have to put my foot down on that. How many falling people could *you* hold back? ;) Thanks for the warning.
We're back! (Took the red eye home, arriving this morning.) The short story is we summitted both St. Helens and Hood. I'll post a trip report later on with some detailsl and information. (Is it bedtime yet?)