Mt. Pemi by Indian Head Trail

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Mohamed Ellozy

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Brookline, MA
The dreaded "Mud Season" (a misnomer high up) is upon us, and with the recent nor'easter it will be a long time before the trails at higher elevations can be hiked enjoyably (sinking in soft snow is not my idea of enjoyable hiking!). Recently I have been "hiking" Tripoli Road and Russell Pond, and have watched the snow line receed day by day. Today I decided to try Mt. Pemi from the south, a trail that is mainly in wide open hardwoods, and faces south for good measure.

The trail is in excellent condition; it is normally wet but today was no worse than usual, in spite of the recent rains. Two or three minor blowdowns, nothing more. No ice or snow until halfway up the summit cone, and that was mainly hard snow; no postholing and no slipping! OK, there were a few patches of hard slippery ice, but getting around them was no problem.

The clouds were low enough to obscure most of the views, though I did get an excellent view of I 93 going south :(

I expect to be up there quite often until the higher trails clear!
Good news, I'll be up there my next day off. I was wondering about this one, thanks Mohammed. It's been a couple years now since I've been up there.