Good Post
Smitty 77. Agree, that was a very well written and interesting post..For you and your family, the road, restaurant is an important rescource, etc and I honestly respect that. ( In a similiar way, I confess that I love the Blue Ridge Parkway in W. N. Carolina. It allows me to get my wife into the mountains w/o the long climb. She's not an outdoor type and doesn't understand my hiking addiction altho she tolerates it. So I understand your thoughts completely).You said it well and glad you were able to experience. Maybe I'll have a change of heart and drive my LOML up next time I'm there
Smitty 77. Agree, that was a very well written and interesting post..For you and your family, the road, restaurant is an important rescource, etc and I honestly respect that. ( In a similiar way, I confess that I love the Blue Ridge Parkway in W. N. Carolina. It allows me to get my wife into the mountains w/o the long climb. She's not an outdoor type and doesn't understand my hiking addiction altho she tolerates it. So I understand your thoughts completely).You said it well and glad you were able to experience. Maybe I'll have a change of heart and drive my LOML up next time I'm there