Music at Gathering 9.5

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hikethe115 said:
If the decision is amp or can bring the amp and buy beer later. :)

So you're going to play with yourself and do a Hawaiin love song...hmmm...I can't bring myself to go further.

I'm sure Pete will end up playing with someone. Are Hawaiin love songs amplified? He could always plug into a beer like everyone else.

hikethe115 said:
I'm looking forward to the gathering and hearing some great music.

Umm!...Perhaps I'd better leave my guitar at home then!
Assuming I can make it, and my musical abilities/taste fit - I've got an acoustic guitar, harmonica, and no sense of shame to contribute.

Influences are mostly bluegrass, blues, and early roots rock.

I'm a rank amateur, but I know when to sit out.

Pass or play?
McRat said:
I'm a rank amateur, but I know when to sit out.

Pass or play?


As a rank amateur, you'll find yourself quite at home with the rest of us (except we sometimes don't know when to sit out!)

Haven't heard from anyone regarding additional guitar amps. We don't have any extras to supply, but also don't want to have a lot of extras. PLEASE let me know if you are bringing one.

Another little thing to remember: guitar stand so your guitar doesn't get stomped on.
Other entertainment

Audrey and I will both be bringing along a bunch of mountain slides, as in photographs, as well as a projector (remember those?). If anyone else has some good, interesting slides, bring 'em along. I'll have extra slide trays. We could have a good game of "What Mountain is That?" Most of mine are from NY with a few from some other places.

I bought my daughter a xylaphone (?) last year for's collecting dust....would love to be in the band...I can play "hot cross buns" :rolleyes: