The goal of HQ is not to bring in new hydro power to Mass. The goal is get them out of a bind with an under utilized 620MW natural gas fired power plant in Three RIvers Quebec that was built on a take or pay basis. HQ has been paying the owner for many years not to run it and its was an ongoing embarrassment. Existing hydro already being generated and sold in Quebec will be diverted to the CPC line so that Mass can claim New Hydro while the Quebec ratepayers will get to use "dirty fossil". HQ was asked multiple times to guarantee that this was new natural hydro and refused. Like NP and CPC it has never been a carbon reduction project, it has always been a very profitable venture for HQ and the utility that is hosting it. Do note, they set this project up intentionally to avoid ISO New England the regional grid operator. Given its effectively a gas project, it would have been far easier to upgrade the PNGTS gas line and just run a local natural gas plant off the upgraded PNGTS.
CPC and similar projects is why carbon accounting gets such a bad rep. It only works when the boundaries are the Earth's atmosphere. Carbon goes up in the air that knows no boundaries so drawing country boundaries into the calculation does not work. Europe ran into the same issue with carbon accounting. Until the rules make sense carbon accounting is random number generator.
CPC and similar projects is why carbon accounting gets such a bad rep. It only works when the boundaries are the Earth's atmosphere. Carbon goes up in the air that knows no boundaries so drawing country boundaries into the calculation does not work. Europe ran into the same issue with carbon accounting. Until the rules make sense carbon accounting is random number generator.