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Tom Rankin said:
I thought you would see this and like it! :D

Dr. Wu might be able to use this instead of a coffin! :D
That thing is much too wide for a trail. All you have to do it put runners on a coffin and you're golden. In all seriousness, I've actually looked into getting a cheap, wooden coffin that I would put runners on and attach a harness for the winter. But, it's expensive -- best bet is to make your own.

I would never go down in one of those balls though. Imagine going down Tuckerman's in that thing!?:eek:

-Dr. Wu
I first saw that in one of The Amazing Race episodes, looked really fun!!!

I'd like to go down that in a half pipe!

sardog1 said:
More proof that a constant diet of mutton leads to brain disease. ;)

Brain disease? Hardly! Zorbing? Bungee jumping? Swooping? How would a diseased brain come up with that many ways to shake money out of tourist's pockets?
NH_Mtn_Hiker said:
This looks like alot more fun to me. :eek:
I think it's fake. Just go outside and find a rock, cover it with a few pounds of sugar and roll a raisin down it and there you go -- remember to videotape it. The closeups were filmed in someone's living room (I can see a cat running around and going to the literbox, I think). Totally amateur.

It reminds me of the scenes from Empire Strikes Back. Nobody thinks the next time they're out in the snow some AT-AT Walkers are going to come along and step on them. Or that miserable snow beast guy (the "Wampa"). It all looks real but it's not. Please, people, remember that we're in the Television Age and Special Effects can be deceiving to the unwatchful eye. I remember when I saw Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time when I was 15 and my parents spent weeks convincing me that it wasn't true when the ghosts flew out of the Ark and made that one guy's eyes fall out.

You want something more A. entertaining, B. realistic and C. useful, watch this video -- more my speed and obviously made without the use of flashy special effects.

-Dr. Wu
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dr_wu002 said:
You want something more A. entertaining, B. realistic and C. useful, watch this video -- more my speed and obviously made without the use of flashy special effects.

-Dr. Wu
You just like the fact that she is passionate about poles.
There's a reason she's the only one. All the others who have ever tried to say it with a straight face doubled up with laughter and split their sides open.

(I would say that that's a career I'd like to have, but I don't want to tempt fate.)
dr_wu002 said:
You want something more A. entertaining, B. realistic and C. useful, watch this video -- more my speed and obviously made without the use of flashy special effects.

-Dr. Wu

I believe I've seen her on David Letterman.
dr_wu002 said:
You want something more A. entertaining, B. realistic and C. useful, watch this video -- more my speed and obviously made without the use of flashy special effects.

-Dr. Wu
Obviously this lady is nat all there. Who the heck uses Hikeningrods to walk with....they are made for battling the evil Spruce Ents (how is THAT for reality!? :D )

Marc Howes should make his own video on proper Hikeningrod use. There really IS an art to beating up spruce trees apparently!

First Person Story

A few years ago, my hiking buddies and I climbed Rainier. On the way down the snowfield from Muir, we sled the slope using plastic rollup kids sleds. We made great time and it was a blast. We used our ice axes as a breaking tool. There were some great spills and crashes. Everyone had a ball.

Not quite as hairy as some of the stories above, but it was fun for a group of old guys. :D
dr_wu002 said:
I think it's fake. Just go outside and find a rock, cover it with a few pounds of sugar and roll a raisin down it and there you go -- remember to videotape it. The closeups were filmed in someone's living room (I can see a cat running around and going to the literbox, I think). Totally amateur.

-Dr. Wu

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