Thanks guys.
This is going to sound kinda dark, but it's meant to be honest:
If you hike for glory, then avoid this list. You will find none.
There are, however, several other unorthodox satisfactions you'll get from the experience. Really only someone who has worked through a good chunk of it will truly know what I am talking about. I guess it's really not worth describing because it's different for every person -- But they know what I'm talking about.
I had a good time. Never met a person seriously pursuing the NE3k that really rubbed me the wrong way. It's not for everyone (such as you!) though. And that, I think, is a good thing.
Special thanks to my car, the "Offroad Corolla". I took that poor car places most people wouldn't dare bring their trucks and she never got stuck or broke down (and it did it while getting 40 mpg).
"Bushwhacking is just glorified walking in the woods" -- Quote from a real good guy who was unjustly vilified on this forum.
"Finding the summit is optional, Finding your car is not" -- Bill Bowden (Words that bushwhackers live by)
"If you break your leg up there nobody will find your bleached bones for 30 years" -- I forget who said this, probably bigmoose.
"Now the undercarriage of my car looks like the surface of the moon" -- Me
"Groan" - Manbearpig