New AMC Logo....a good or bad?

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Dec 31, 2004
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While on another board this weekend someone was asking questions about camping rules in The White Mountains. In an effort to help out I posted a link to the AMC’s web page. I had to do a double take to be sure I was on the right page. My initial thought was this is certainly a different looking logo. Not sure if this was a good or bad move on their part. None the less why mess with it? What do others think the motivations were to make such a drastic change. Was there AMC Membership input before hand?
While on another board this weekend someone was asking questions about camping rules in The White Mountains. In an effort to help out I posted a link to the AMC’s web page. I had to do a double take to be sure I was on the right page. My initial thought was this is certainly a different looking logo. Not sure if this was a good or bad move on their part. None the less why mess with it? What do others think the motivations were to make such a drastic change. Was there AMC Membership input before hand?
It looks like a transgender person. Maybe the AMC realizes that their base of white, upper middle class, Boston types, wont sustain the future and they need to broaden their horizons.
While on another board this weekend someone was asking questions about camping rules in The White Mountains. In an effort to help out I posted a link to the AMC’s web page. I had to do a double take to be sure I was on the right page. My initial thought was this is certainly a different looking logo. Not sure if this was a good or bad move on their part. None the less why mess with it? What do others think the motivations were to make such a drastic change. Was there AMC Membership input before hand?

Not good.

I get the bit about integrating the letters A-M-C into the logo. And it does create a a cute (generic looking) humanoid graphic (similar to the handicapped person). But what's lost is any sense of an outdoor organization. Trees, peaks, rivers. All gone? It's a shift from "what" to "who" and seems a bit narcissistic.

The video explains the shift of focus is now on welcoming all types of folks as members. Which is a great message and commendable goal in our current era. What's lost in this logo is any sense of the common thread that binds together members of the organization, i.e. the outdoors.

The AMC is not alone in examining its lack of diversity. Another Boston icon, The Unitarian Universalist church, is doing similar soul searching and wondering what it can do to attract a more diverse population of members.

I commend these initiatives but think this logo misses the mark.
In the diversity initiative I hope the Club considers economic diversity as well as all the other diversities.

It is expensive to play in their sandbox if you actually try to use the facilities. There are motels in Twin Mountain cheaper than the Highland Center.

This is a long running issue they have not addressed in front- or back country.
It looks kind of cute, but it reminds me of hammer and sickle on the Soviet Union flag.
I'm not an AMC member, being mostly an Adirondacker.

But this strikes me as pathetic pandering, desperately trying to catch up with an identity politics train that left the station a long time ago, and it going nowhere good.

How about paying attention to what people do, like maintaining trails, hiking, littering, etc., rather than what identity group they are a member of. Pathetic. Glad it's not my membership dollars being wasted on this.
It’s pretty hideous but nobody like new logos when companies reveal them. 15 years from now when AMC comes out with a new one we’ll all complain about about how it isn’t as good as StickPerson.
What was the old logo ? Was it a trail heading towards a couple of peaks and a pine tree on the left ? What does the new versus old have to do with inclusion ? I like the old logo, not sure I see a need to change. Does this mean we need to buy all new water bottles and other AMC gear ? The new logo is more of a psychology experiment. I see a tent in the foreground with two peaks behind it and the moon above them in the center top. I guess I can also see the transgender stick person if I look for it too. I also like this logo better than the new one -->
Another project by committee with the result that it stands for everything and nothing at the same time.

I don't see how anyone can be marginalized in the outdoors, though. Take away unnecessary technical gear, especially the electronics, and its one of the least expensive and most accessible recreational pursuits available.
Another project by committee with the result that it stands for everything and nothing at the same time.

I don't see how anyone can be marginalized in the outdoors, though. Take away unnecessary technical gear, especially the electronics, and its one of the least expensive and most accessible recreational pursuits available.

Exactly. Thank you.

The most valuable thing for an INDIVIDUAL is being recognized for what they do, more than for what group they belong to. A walk around Central Park picking up litter is just as valuable as trail work in the mountains, and is available to anyone.
What do others think the motivations were to make such a drastic change.

I think that some people may think of AMC members as rugged, highly experienced outdoorsy folks and new hikers may feel intimidated to try and join the club. The new logo may be a symbol that anybody is welcome. When I joined in 1974, I needed sponsorship from 2 existing members to join.
I think that some people may think of AMC members as rugged, highly experienced outdoorsy folks and new hikers may feel intimidated to try and join the club. The new logo may be a symbol that anybody is welcome. When I joined in 1974, I needed sponsorship from 2 existing members to join.

I think more people see them as older privileged white folks with a superiority complex.
In a total ripoff of a famous song, the AMC could make a Village People sort of video whereby three people act out the A-M-C letters.
That would help people understand the logo as well as satisfy the AMC's diversity/inclusion jones. Two birds, one stone.

Also, in the "Be Outdoors" part of the logo, the second "o" is smaller and raised, thus making it take the place of an apostrophe.
So they're not-so-subtly encouraging their members to "be outdoers", meaning "hey, get out there and outdo other people".
Who knows, maybe I'm reading too much into it; maybe I'm just confused after Sierra made me notice the dude in the mini skirt.