New Santanoni trail?

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Not aware of the original herdpath, but there is a herd path to the Santinonis right from Bradley Pond (and the leanto)? Just curious....

There was a herd path that split left before reaching the Bradley Pond area. It went directly up to Santanoni, but beacuse it's on private land and was not part of the public easement, it hasn't been possible to use it. If all this news is true, and it becomes possible to use that old path, it would require some work... or maybe a new path would be opened. All speculation at this point.
ALGonquin Bob said:
There was a herd path that split left before reaching the Bradley Pond area. It went directly up to Santanoni, but beacuse it's on private land and was not part of the public easement, it hasn't been possible to use it. If all this news is true, and it becomes possible to use that old path, it would require some work... or maybe a new path would be opened. All speculation at this point.
Is the the path that Grace talks about on the Good Climbing CD? She said there was a stone stair case up Santanoni back in the day!
I really doubt that the APA would approve a 'new' path, just to make things easier for hikers. What may have been a decent path 25 years ago, may not withstand the greatly increased use of today. Its route does not appear to be well designed; it heads straight up. That kind of path erodes like crazy when it gets a lot of use.

Unfortunately, I have a fear that someone will re-open it illegally, which gives a bad name to all hikers.
The old herd path was originally a trail. From the 8th edition of the Guide to the Adirondack Trails, 1975 reprinting:
This peak (Santanoni) is approached by a trail originally cut by the Tahawas Club many years ago but now no longer maintained.​
Tom Rankin said:
Is the path that Grace talks about on the Good Climbing CD? She said there was a stone stair case up Santanoni back in the day!
It is always a good reason to pop Grace's "Good Climbing!" CD into the laptop and listen. Yes, Grace does mention that the climb was on the "Santanoni Trail". She credits the CCC with having built the stairs. The stairs are not mentioned in the 1975 ADK guidebook, but it also notes that the area was heavily damaged by the 1950 hurricane. Perhaps the route no longer went over the stairs by 1975. Grace describes the climb up the stairs as "terrible, it was awful, ... it was not easy at all". Grace's account is in "The Longest Trip" track on the 46er produced CD.

Pete is probably correct that the APA is unlikely to approve another trail in this wilderness area. Perhaps it is best to leave the old trail to history.
For those who are rightfully looking forward to this happening, may I ask a favor?
The OSI has not closed on the deal, and sometimes it takes months or years to do so. People close to the negotiations are aware of the thread and have asked me to ask people to please be patient. The last thing anyone wants is have the Finch Pruyn or Tahawus Club people have hikers cross the leased land until its part of the forest preserve.
Sometimes DEC jumps the gun with announcements that might occur the next day or way down the road.

"acquired" may be preliminary

So the following quote from doesn't mean what it seems to?...

"The Open Space Institute on Tuesday acquired from Finch, Pruyn & Co. about 1,500 acres on the east side of Mount Santanoni, including Bradley Pond in the town of Newcomb, institute President Joe Martens said".

I guess it depends on what your definition of "acquired" is......
"So the following quote from doesn't mean what it seems to?..."

Unless what I was told when corresponding with some of the principals to the negotiation 2 hours ago was incorrect, the closing has not happened. Sometimes the various flacks like to get out in front of the news curve.
Will happen? Probably. Done deal, not yet. Could happen this week or next year. What can happen is that the hiking public can jump the gun and mess things up.
so the clandestine slides might not be so clandestine after all?
Peakbagr said:
Unless what I was told when corresponding with some of the principals to the negotiation 2 hours ago was incorrect, the closing has not happened. Sometimes the various flacks like to get out in front of the news curve.
Will happen? Probably. Done deal, not yet. Could happen this week or next year. What can happen is that the hiking public can jump the gun and mess things up.

Interesting. The OSI reported essentially the same story that the Newsday article did on the front page of its website, and OSI's President Joe Martens was quoted as saying, "It'll be a while before this stuff ends up with the state, but it will open [to public recreation] immediately..."

I hate to question your motives, but isn't it rather far-fetched to think that the only people that would read this news article would also be reading this thread, too? Wouldn't the OSI put that kind of "Don't hike there yet" statement on their website first?

I could go out there this weekend and if anyone says anything to me, I could show them the original article and say that OSI announced the land has officially been acquired and the public was welcome...

(Don't worry, I have no designs on being anywhere near the Santanonis anytime soon.)

Read the press release here:
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albee said:
Interesting. The OSI reported essentially the same story that the Newsday article did on the front page of its website, and OSI's President Joe Martens was quoted as saying, "It'll be a while before this stuff ends up with the state, but it will open [to public recreation] immediately..."

I hate to question your motives, but isn't it rather far-fetched to think that the only people that would read this news article would also be reading this thread, too? Wouldn't the OSI put that kind of "Don't hike there yet" statement on their website first?

I could go out there this weekend and if anyone says anything to me, I could show them the original article and say that OSI announced the land has officially been acquired and the public was welcome...

(Don't worry, I have no designs on being anywhere near the Santanonis anytime soon.)

Read the press release here:

People are looking in to find out if the land is actually "open" is the point. I think what peak was trying to do (don't mean to speak for you dude :) ) was just a word of caution. No sense in jumping the gun and pissing off the people involved. Land deals are always touchy. I think several of us are trying to find the exact status and it will be put out pretty quick.

All sorts of exciting possibilities looking at the map of the deal. Santanoni Slides :D , a new {legal} route up Henderson. I'm jazzed at the prospect. Might even be able to access the plane wreak site easier :eek:
The official word........

I have spoken directly to OSI, they do in fact own the land and the transfer of ownership has taken place. I have been asked by them to pass the following information to the hiking community. They are happy that people are interested and they welcome the prospect of recreational use at the appropriate time (which should be soon)

They also ask that hikers hold off, just for now, going back in there until we can properly come up with a map that WE CAN POST that CLEARLY indicates the boundaries of the acquired land. I am currently working on that and will happily pass the information on as it gets delivered to me.

It is important to note the boundaries are SPECIFIC and Finch-Pruyn land holdings back in there NEED to be respected in order for continued facilitation and access to this land and others to come in the future. Thanks and hopefully you will hear more very soon :)

Updates will be posted to: -THIS- thread
I was soooo excited when I read my "Google Alerts" and saw the story yesterday :D ... then I wasn't :( ... now I am!!! (I think) :)

Thank you Alan and Tim, for digging into this story.
Ah, that makes it a bit clearer now. Thanks, Mavs.

I absolutely encourage the respectful and responsible use of this land, and I understand why you folks, as moderators, are trying to collect as much information as possible before turning us loose out there.

My only question is how will these announcements be communicated to people that don't read these forums? This press release was printed in multiple local newspapers in the ADK region. Who will instruct those hikers to hold off, and why should the more passionate and internet-savvy members of the hiking community be held back?

Don't these organizations have to be prepared for how the public will consume this information as soon as it is released? Somebody had to say at one point, "Don't release that article until we're ready for people to start hiking out there."
mavs00 said:
... Updates will be posted to: -THIS- thread

Why not post here, too? Isn't that why a NY forum was established on VFTT?

All that aside, thanks for getting facts straight from the horse's mouth. That's a lot better than conjecture.

albee said:
... Don't these organizations have to be prepared for how the public will consume this information as soon as it is released? Somebody had to say at one point, "Don't release that article until we're ready for people to start hiking out there."

Well, the OSI press announcement did not say "Y'all come!" even though it did note that public access to the acquired land was part of the plan. The quote attributed to an OSI spokesperson in the newspaper article seems unfortunate, but may not be inaccurate, according to what Mavs00 has posted.
