New Santanoni trail?

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Grumpy said:
Why not post here, too? Isn't that why a NY forum was established on VFTT?

All that aside, thanks for getting facts straight from the horse's mouth. That's a lot better than conjecture.


It is available here, through a link, just like how the rest of the internet works. :cool:

Actually, I'd post the announcement here, but the posting the MAP of the property was a requirement, and I cannot post the map here, like I can at my own site.

For the record this was a joint process and while he'll never take credit, Alan deserves MOST a lot of the credit and got the ball rolling for permission, I just worked the technical details out with OSI. Besides, who really cares, the point is; we got access.

I'll try to post an announcement in another thead, just for you grumpy.
albee said:
Don't these organizations have to be prepared for how the public will consume this information as soon as it is released? Somebody had to say at one point, "Don't release that article until we're ready for people to start hiking out there."

They were actually shocled to hear from people (literally foaming at the mouth :eek: ) that expressed interest in getting back in there and finally, after many years, getting legal access.

So yes, it kinda did take them by storm. Ummm, I gotta say, they were quite respectful and were quite nice. Niceness begets niceness :cool:
Alan, Tim,

Thanks guys! Great job.


PS - You probably already know this, but this deal may be just the tip of the iceberg, with many more land acquisitions over the next decade. A friend that I work with (he is a state assemblyman, not in NY ...... but I guess he has connections .......) has given me some inside info on a couple of other deals currently being discussed.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......... {but you are 100% right}

As I said, Niceness begets niceness :cool:

{by the way, this is in jest :D }
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I'm probably getting a little ahead of things here, but would it be reasonable to assume that future Santanoni-Couchsachraga-Panther peakbaggers might typically use (for greater efficiency) the current path to Times Square for either ascent or descent, and use a new (or old, resuscitated) herd path direct between Santanoni and the official trail (north or south of Bradley Pond) for the other leg of the hike?
Wow, lots going on in the Santanoni's while I was away.

I left early this a.m. after having spoken to OSI and let Tim and Neil know early today what was going on. Knew they'd run with it and get all the info we all wanted.
Came back to the office an hour ago and poof, all done.

My apologies for my not being more forthcoming here and elsewhere about the land deal. There was a lot of concern that we needed to discourage inadvertent trespassing. And when I posted yesterday, I was under the misimpression that the closing hadn't happened. Sorry, my error. Its not that I mind eating crow, but hate the taste of the feathers. ;)

Bottom line, Neil got the ball rolling in the first place and Tim ironed out the details while I was out working today. Good minions to have around. :eek:
I've been back on the Santanoni slides 2x, the last time 21 years ago. Looking forward to getting back there again this Summer.
Interesting question BS, I don't really know. When I talked about to the folks, I was talking to them mostly about access to the slide.
I doubt the OSI was aware of this trail and the potential onslaught of hikers that will surely want to take advantage of the great route option it offers. Are there any fragile sections that would quickly and easily become eroded? Maybe they could could benefit from some preventive re-routing. It might be a good idea if someone knowledgeable about trail maintenance and construction went and surveyed it and made recommendations (if any are necessary, that is) for preventive actions.
Talking with Joe at OSI this a.m., I think he was tickled at all the good this new acquisition is generating and happy that hikers are going to have a new playground.
It would seem that its up to all of us to influence proper stewardship of the old trail
Peakbagr said:
Talking with Joe at OSI this a.m., I think he was tickled at all the good this new acquisition is generating and happy that hikers are going to have a new playground.
It would seem that its up to all of us to influence proper stewardship of the old trail

That's true, I wouldn't go hacking back in there looking for it though :cool: