New toll on I-93 south at Mass border

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Is there a regular commuter to MA that uses this as a regular route? I have taken it 1/2 dozen times in the last year, and zipped through at 65 mph going south all times (around 645 am). Perhaps the southbound traffic gets worse later in the morning? Me being lucky never sounds like an option;)

I have seen traffic going Northbound at night the 6 times I commuted home that way, however.

Just curious how bad traffic is during the commute.
I quit my job in Andover, MA, ONLY because the commute stunk. I live in Bedford, NH. 33+ miles, 40 minutes w/o traffic. Typical time was 50-1:10, but in bad weather or on Fridays it could be 1:30 or more.

As for I-93 tolls, maybe NH should ask MA for all the income taxes they et from NH working folks. I know I was alway pissed seeing a good percent of my income going to a state I didn't live in.

ding! ah, if we could only do that...

It's frustrating when the road-widening & its ecological impacts are being caused mostly by commuter traffic. :( I could earn more $$$ by working in MA, (and would spend less on housing by continuing living in NH) but the commute would give me a heart attack or a stroke in a month. I almost blew a gasket (the human kind...) yesterday trying to navigate through Somerville/Cambridge/Allston/Brookline... sigh. :/

anyway $2 doesn't seem like that much money (unless you're just hopping across the border from Tewksbury to Salem or vice-versa), I would mind the delay much more than the cost. When I visit relatives in NJ I pay a lot more $$ in tolls on the Garden State and the Tappan Zee, than I do in NH or MA.

The other high-tech thing I've heard of (not gonna show up here for a long time I think) is variable-pricing tolls. As in the price is low/free when there's low traffic, high when there's high traffic/rush hour. The annoyance of heavy traffic doesn't seem to be enough of a deterrent to stop people from contributing to that traffic.
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Is the area they are talking about for the tolls near where they just had the huge accident???????
The accident was between exits 3 and 4....probably somewhat north of where they would put the tolls.
Now Gov. Patrick is saying Mass may install one.

As if that isn't enough, NH may cut the E-ZPass discount as well.


I've been waiting for the NH E-Z Pass discount to be taken away for a while now. Hey, now that so many people already use E-Z Pass, they don't need to offer a discount to entice us to get it. :rolleyes:
As an electronic designer, (note: not engineer as you have to pay for an engineer's license) I think the people could fight back. You know, you can make an E-Z PASS jammer. It is just a thought.
Tolls and Taxes--WOW a political debate!!!

I can't believe it's gotten this far!

Chomp (whom I still haven't forgiven for his Red Squaring of me three years ago, though I am trying) is, I say without hesitation, right: the $$ has to come from somewhere. It seems fair to ask users to pay-as-you-go in some fashion, so what makes the most sense?

Create miles-long traffic jams during peak hours, wasting untold gallons of gas, causing excess pollution, and attendant inconvenience to all on the road with a toll? Sure, you get the user, but look at all of those side costs.

Sales tax? If I buy Doritos should I be paying for asphalt?

Income tax? I may only ride a bike! (I do have a bike, but its mileage is pretty low at the moment.)

Gas Tax!??!! Whoa, there's a concept! And what about registration fees, graduated by weight?

When you spread it all out and add it all up, it's not a lot to fret about (unless you are poor, and I would argue for relief). Would I pay an extra $25 or $50 or even $100 a year (and ask you to also) to have nice roads, safe bridges, and easy, unencumbered passage from state to state? Sign me up.

Live Free (of tolls) or Die! (of asphyxiation)

And they'd better keep those darn tolls from the trailheads too!

Would I be correct in saying that most who live in southern NH but work in MA do so to avoid many of the costs associated with living in MA? So NH has the infrastructure costs of residents but not the tax benefits from the business ( A large part of the wear and tear/need for widening of 93 is because of daily commutes of NH residents working in MA. Yes, others use the road but look at the percentages.

Of course this is being written by someone living in Maine who telecommutes to Connecticut. I don't use roads for my commute. :D
NH residents working in MA pay 100% of the income tax of MA residents but don't get to vote, don't earn in-state tuition for MA colleges (while illegal aliens, and non-working/non-tax-paying residents living in MA do), and benefit from a small fraction of the state's expenditures. The one thing they use most is the roads and you know who spends money on roads (NH) and who doesn't (MA). I went through tires and front-end alignments like I go through cheap hiking socks.

They also pay NH property taxes (in lieu of income / sales tax). In other words, they get double dinged. They do earn MA unemployment benefits however which are much better than NH.

I couldn't be gladder to be living and working in NH now. I won't have to file MA tax this year!!!!! :D:D

The chances of NH starting a sales tax or income tax to pay for projects like these are slim. We have a low tax burden in this state and mostly likely that will continue.

Hi All, I guess that those that think NH has a low tax burden, are neither home owners, nor a retired person trying to live on interest and dividends from what savings the Wall Street thieves have stolen. The NH tax system is hard on old people. There is nothing wrong with a sales tax. If you are poor, you don't spend much, so you don't pay much. I am not suggesting a sales tax in addition to the property and interest/dividinds taxes. It sucks thet people work hard all their lives and are forced out of their homes by ever increasing property taxes. Luckily for the GUMMIT of NH, old people never riot.