New world record recorded wind speed

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Tom, I think I have already seen that MWO "qualification" in use... "highest straight-line wind-speed", probably in response to this or other cyclonic events. Kind of like "Mt Washington is the highest peak east of the Mississippi and north of the Smokies".

Pretty soon we're going to sound like Navin R. Johnson in "The Jerk"... "Uh, anything in this general area right in here. Anything below the stereo and on this side of the bicentennial glasses. Anything between the ashtrays and the thimble. Anything in this three inches right in here in this area. That includes the Chiclets, but not the erasers." But I still like our small, un-windy mountain just the way it is.
Why the hell did it take 14 years to verify, my god. Still, I guarantee Mount Washington gets consistently higher wind then Australia.
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Still the "Highest"

It's still the highest in the northern and western hemispheres and still the "highest" wind above sea level. :cool:

Why the hell did it take 16 years to verify, my god. Still, I guarantee Mount Washington gets consistently higher wind then Australia.

Cara Rudio, marketing and communications director for MWO, explains the time lapse:

" One question that seems to be on everyone's mind is: 'why the heck did this take 14 years to figure out??'

The quick answer is that it didn't: the record has been there all along. It was recorded by the Barrow Island station when it occurred, but not publicized until the WMO evaluation panel stumbled upon it while conducting a review of world records."

Rudio has a nice blog on the home page of MWO today, contrasting the job of the marketing director to publicize the weather compared to the nonchalance of the observers who record it. Still, 14 years of insouciance is a lot of insouciance.
Pretty soon we're going to sound like Navin R. Johnson in "The Jerk""

Ha! Nice reference; one of my favorites. An appropriate line before a glissade down Ammo this weekend might start off with my personal favorite "Things are going to start happening to me now!"
first old man falls.. and now mt. washington doesn't have the record for the highest wind gust in the world..

how much more can a person take!?!
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Why don't they put wind turbines up there? The infrastructure is already in place.
I'm in denial. I don't believe the record was broken. I'll need an instant replay of that wind.
"World's Worst Weather"?

As some have cautioned from time to time, that 231mph record was timed by folks who admit to being the "World's Worst Weather Observers"....but nonetheless have the highest paying jobs in New England. ;)