Looks like senate gave the card preliminary approval
The actual text as amended: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2014/HB0256.htmlSo, I've read the article, can somebody summarize what the version voted on *really* says? What are the conditions under which having the card *won't* pay?
The actual text as amended: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2014/HB0256.html
"Notwithstanding RSA 153-A:24, any person determined by the department to have acted negligently in requiring a search and rescue response by the department shall be liable to the department for the reasonable cost of the department’s expenses for such search and rescue response, unless the person shows proof of possessing a current version of any of the following"
If you don't buy a card, you are liable for expense if you act negligently, it is ambiguous whether if you do buy a card you still have to pay if you are reckless.
Sorry, but that's how I read it.
153-A:24 Responsibility for Public Agency Response Services. –
I. A person shall be liable for response expenses if, in the judgment of the court, such person:
(a) Negligently operates a motor vehicle, boat, off highway recreational vehicle, or aircraft while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or controlled drug and thereby proximately causes any incident resulting in a public agency response;
(b) Takes another person or persons hostage or threatens to harm himself or another person, thereby proximately causing any incident resulting in an appropriate public agency response; or
(c) Recklessly or intentionally creates a situation requiring an emergency response.
II. A person's liability under this subdivision for response expenses shall not exceed $10,000 for any single public agency response incident.
I still want to know if that guy from Maine will be charged for his rescue off of Bondcliff before I buy anything. If they don't consider him negligent then I can guarantee that I will never be found negligent.
Darn, it looks like I need to use common sense and carry proper gear when hiking for a few more months, once I buy the card I guess I shouldn't care
There have been two recent rescues in the Gorham area that weren't publicized, one was medical issue on Mt Hayes in Gorham and more recently a claimed medical issue on Jefferson
Hi peakbagger,
I hear you, and agree, loud and clear. What concerns me the most is that some fool-hardy people would buy the card knowing that they have a "get out of jail free" card should something go awry.
My greatest worry is that the card will give a sense of entitlement to those who carry it and it will be the search and rescue people who will be putting their lives at risk. I am aware that these brave people have chosen to be the ones who risk their own safety for the savior of another but it would bother me to no end if a S&R member was hurt or killed because someone felt that carrying the card made them exempt from their own responsibility.
Just saying...
SAR folks go out because thats what they do. They see many ill-prepared in the process, this issue is moot. They will go no matter what. I lowered a guy with summer boots off Lions head in the winter after he broke his ankle, he didnt even have a winter coat. Those facts didnt concern me. I tied a rope around him and lowered him to the Tuck's trail and the litter. Then I went home.
I cannot grasp the idea that a card like this will be the cause of people taking chances because a rescue is free? Hey Dude, lets climb Mt.Washington this winter even though we only have summer gear, its free to get rescued!!!! Really this will happen? I don't see it at all. Knuckle heads that need rescues don't think that far ahead, they fall into trouble, they don't plan it. just my opinion.