While driving back and forth to Conway over the last week, I noticed a Forest Service employee one day working on one of the "parking permit required signs" at Ninetenn mile brook and on a subsequent trip noticed that the USFS Parking Fee station is covered with tarps as well as the iron pipe. I could speculate on the reason but the most logical is that the policy that the parking area must have "services" and that it is mostly ont he state of NH right of way is probably the reason. It will be interesting to see if the overflow parking south of Pinkham that traditionally is used for Tuckermans season will also be a non fee area.
It doesnt really make a difference to me as I buy the parking pass, but I am curious if this is the start of a new policy.
It doesnt really make a difference to me as I buy the parking pass, but I am curious if this is the start of a new policy.