Nippletop Compass Deviation

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New member
Sep 15, 2003
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Syracuse, NY; Avatar: The Snake
On August 6, I was attempting a bushwhack off the east side of Nippletop. Topographically, I appeared to be headed in the right direction, but my compass revealed otherwise. I finally gave up and took the trail to Dial. On the way, I noticed BOTH of my compasses were approximately 90* off (heading north, compass said east). At the Dial summit, my compass readings had moderated, but were still off. They were fine by the time I reached Bear Den. Anyone else have this problem on Nippletop?
Peakbagr said:
Possibility of iron ore in the rock throwing of the compass needle?

Or you guys wear really big iron belt buckles when bushwacking. :D

This is rare but, two guys, both competent with compases, happening in the same general spot. It looks like there may be something going on there.

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The ADKs are loaded with ore deposits and compasses are routinely thrown out of whack. In the Hoffman Notch area we had our compasses spinning like windmills one hike. Very wild stuff! These stories pop up from time to time hiking with some of the early# 46ers, who did all the original trailless peaks via m&c. That's why it's helpful to (and when or if possible) to also orientate oneself with landmarks. Easier said than done here in the Northeast, but that can keep you going in the right direction until you clear the deposit.
Peakbagr said:
Someone mentioned to me(maybe Neil), that the same thing happened to them. Possibility of iron ore in the rock throwing of the compass needle?
Not me. But I have noticed that my gps throws my compass for a loop.

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