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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
No Reading, MA Avatar: Crater Rim, Mt Rainier, 8/4
When Spencer and I were driving back from the Isolation Solstice hike he commented that this has become so much more than a website. It truly has evolved into a hiking club. As I was driving home from the Gathering, I realized how true that is. Thanks Darren and everyone associated with this site who make my life so much better!
Here, Here . . .

I no longer have to tell people I am hiking with people I met on the internet, I can say I am hiking with friends (wipe a tear from my cheek ;) ) . . .

Though I must say I don't know some of your "real" names . . . right bubba?

*I* know Bubba's real name. You just had to be astute when he bumped into friends at the Black Bear...

Yes, this has evolved from just an online group into quite the real-life community. I'm proud to be a part of it and to have had the opportunity to call you friends.
We are in trouble now ! Next thing you know we will be buying expensive real estate in Boston for our headquarters and hiring trust fund kids to tell us what to think : ) !.

Worry not I have my flamerpoof gloves on !
NHHiker4K: lighten up will you? I think all of us are well aware of the accomplishments that the AMC has fostered. Many (if not most) of us are AMC and/or ADK members. Many of us have worked (and created, in many cases) the trails themselves. Peakbagger's post was rather tongue in cheek, and I think everyone got it. Well, apparently almost everyone. It's more the members that make any organization great, than the organization itself. The members on this board are first rate.

BTW, if memory doesn't fail me, Peakbagger is at the very least partly responsible for laying out, and blazing a significant portion of the COHOS trail in the Kilkenny area. Next time you're up there, send him a thank you.
Great folks

I've met a bunch of friendly people from this site and appreciate their knowledge about the trails in the ADKs, Whites and in Maine.

I have found it is great fun to hike VFTT - younger and older folks, married and single folks, quiet or talkative.... makes for a much more rich experience.

One common thing we share is our love of the mountains, and another is our good humor.... we try not to take ourselves too seriously. Remember that!

-LK ;)
Well someone took the bait !.

I have always appreciated the fact that the Views from the Top crowd has been so diverse with a great sampling of different people from all walks of life that all share a common interest in the mountains. The comment was meant to be tongue in cheek, I guess I should use the Smilies rather than : ) next time.

If folks havent been to a Gathering, they havent really seen the group dynamics in action, by wandering around the fire, you can hear discussions on almost every topic under the sun.

Now if we can only come up with some get togethers close by to my place !

BTW, I was somewhat involved with the initial blazing of the Kilkenny ridge trail back when it was created, but real hats off was to the WMNF folks who did the majority of planning and the layout. I think that trail was the "last hurrah" for legal trailbuilding (versus rebuilding or relocating) in the WMNF. All we did was backpacked in about 50 pounds of yellow paint and basic trail tools through the woods one Columbus day weekend to blaze the entire length from Waumbek to South pond.
I know how you feel peakbagger, for I too wish that a gathering could be arranged a little closer to home. My wife is having a family reunion the weekend of July 10th and I have to take a few weeks off to get the ancestral home in shape. How about I throw a bar-be-cue/housing painting/flower planting/yard work party a few weekends before hand?
Julie, unless your email address changed, you were on the invite I sent out for my 100th. If you never got it, it certainly was not intentional. I was very happy that you were able to make it!

Audrey: do I need to change my reputation now that you know me better?
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I agree

My mother asked who I camped and hiked with this weekend, this was my email response to her:

... the nicest bunch of people you'd ever want to meet. (I guess if you are an ax murderer or pervert there are easier ways to meet your victims than to sleep out in -20 degree weather.) A very eclectic group, all ages and walks of life, but share a common interest. Now I have a new big bunch of hiking buddies that are as nuts as I am. Kind of nice.

:) :) :)
I would just like to say that I could not be more happy that I found a great group of people to go hiking with. I have been doing it by my self for a long time but it is much more fun to share the experience with other people who have a love for the outdoors like I I do. :D
Well said, Blue

"we try not to take ourselves too seriously. Remember that!" I think that's the essence of the group. A club with by-laws, elections, officers, dues, rules, membership requirements, and everything else inherent in an official organization is waaaay too serious. Arrrgh!!!! I think it's just fine the way the way it is now.

My .02.

For some of the "newbies" to the site, one of the big defining moments was after the great NE ice storm. While there was a lot of talk on the web about setting up a central registry of what trails were clear and what ones were trashed in the whites, the trails conditions board on this site became the place to post. (that was real handy to me as I was finishing up my NH 4ks in the winter). The WMNF made a lots of comments in the press about putting together a central registry of trail conditions but nothing happened for a few weeks. Then one day a large batch of Saco ranger district postings appeared and within a few days, the trail conditions on this site became the "unofficial" WMNF site for post ice storm trail conditions. I know a lot of folks who traveled in the whites that winter and spring depended on this site and a lot of volunteers with excess energy would use it as a guide on where to go to help out getting trails cleared.
VFTT... best people

I registered with VFTT in November and I've met so many fun hikers in such a short time.

I've been hiking every weekend.

I am having a great time with all of you. I'll definately be at other gatherings.

Thanks for being here.

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