Northern Lights this weekend

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Gorham NH
There was a very strong sunspot that occurred yesterday that should lead to a good chance to see Aurora's this weekend. Its supposed to be clear so look north.
Saturday night we did a sunset/night hike up Mt Agassiz (short, fairly steep hike up a private road on which hikers are allowed) to see what we could see. Mt Agassiz has a great view south over Cleveland to Garfield, Lafayette and Cannon and while we enjoyed the exercise, views and nearly running into 2 gray fox on the way out, we did not see any Northern Lights :(.
Nothing seen from my back yard in the NE suburbs of Boston Sat and Sun nights. I have a moderately good view to the N, but the horizon is blocked by trees and there is significant light pollution.


Courtesy of "Mountain View Photography". I don't know who this is but they got a great picture over Chocorua.
We hung out at the overlook at the Cannon Exit until 11:15-- great view North, although some light pollution from Littleton. A couple of locals were there. One said that viewing is typically better in the wee hours. We were too tired to wait further. Oh well.
We stayed at Madison Hut Sunday night and I was hoping for some sort of light show from Mother Nature, either Northern Lights or a great T-storm, but there was nothing. From the looks of the hut when we left there Monday afternoon, I'd say there was a great show there overnight.
You can sign up for email notifications regarding solar activity and northern lights from the website listed by PamW. Now I wont always be the last to know about these things!!

Thanks so much for noting this! Can't wait for my first notification!