Odd pets on trails


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May 7, 2005
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Ashland NH
Many people like myself like to take the ol' dawg out on a ramble through the mountains. Does anyone have an "odd" pet that they love to take hiking? :cool:
I saw a guy with a llama on the northern presies once. i wondered if it came from that llama farm on 115.
I brought Kili the Hedgehog with me once when I was doing some of the easy stuff around Franconia Notch (the basin, site of the late-old-man). Definately caused quite a stir. Had to correct a few parents explaining to their kids that I had a baby porcupine in my hand.
I used to hike with my cat she was really good about being on a Harness she still follows me every where but just not hiking. we were abused by some nice folks who threw rocks at her and called my self names it was Certian " NON Profit " group too. Such a thoughtful and considerate "NON Profit" ! I was insulted and afraid for her safty . There was no need of the abuse I got from the "NON Profits Gruop " led by high status member . The leader was very abusive and insulting he said my cat was scaring wild life . yeah HIS obnoxious gruop probably scared away all the wildlife .My cat is very quite and stayes near me and is always on her harness. . My cat has Climbed La Plata and South Maroon Higher and more vertical rise than any 4 k peak in the NE and S Maroon which is much more difficult than any peak in the NE bar none even from the trail head . It was very hurful as my cat has been with me through some tough personal times and climbed many 14ers and some 4 k peaks in the NE . I wrote this "NON Profit " Of course I never recieved a reply but that is par for the course with them Sorry I brought my beloved pet into "Thier mountains "
But she has a few 4 -5 k peaks and climbed MT Elbert and Uncompahgre Snowmass, MT Massive Mt Sneffles and Castle peak all 14 k peaks in CO . She will make at least one more hike up La Plata her favorite . or at least it seems that way . She likes Elbert also .
But no more in NE after the Abuse I got from the "NON Profits " group.
Oh there was AT hiker who had a cat with him Any one know who he was i saw him on the AT at Speck pond and the car taker was really cool. Acare taker once had a cat but the "NON Profit" topld hert to send her cat hoem how thoughtful. !
RGF1 said:
I used to hike with my cat she was really good about being on a Harness she still follows me every where but just not hiking.

I would die to get my siamese out on the trail! as soon as I get that harness on him, he goes limp and lets me drag him around the house. :D

I've only ever seen dogs on trails.
The lodge cat at Moosilauke one summer would follow us up when doing trailwork. Saba had almost no self-preservation instincts, and we'd often hear a pitful "meow" from the bottom of the hole as we prepared to lower the rock in place. Silly cat. :)

She also used to follow hikers to the summit, sometimes following them down the wrong trail. She got stranded at the Beaver Brook trailhead after slipping her collar and ended up in Rhode Island, but that's another story.

The folks on Rt 118 took their llamas up Moosilauke once until we asked them not to.

Ferret Trekking

I read an article once about a kid who took his ferret hiking. I think it would be a long slow trek with my guys. Ohh something shiny, what's that, over there,
There is at least one person who thru-hiked the AT with his pet cat several years ago. I can't remember if the guy's trailname was Ziggy, or if that was the cat's name. :confused: But I've seen many people refer to his hike over the years.

- Ivy
Okay, so it's not a technically a "hiking pet" story, but it surly is odd.

As I commute the 280 miles from my home in western NY to the ADK's, its basically a transformation as I go. I start out in my "other life" mentality and slowly transforms to that other me (the outdoorsy hiking one) that I like better, as I travel east and north into the Adirondack Park. It may sound odd, but for short trips 1-2 days), the commute in and transformation process almost feels like part of the hike. ANYWAY.....

A few years ago as we headed up, we'd entered the western edge of the park and my transformation to Adirondack mode was almost complete. Looking out the window, the DEEP, green conifer forests were only occasionally blocked by flowing streams, rivers and the occasional tranquil lake. We'd almost made it through the quaint village of Old Forge when, SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEECH..........

On come the brakes as we had to stop the car and let the ELEPHANT cross the road. Now this was no circus elephant (no silly costume) it was just a great big African Elephant. Even funnier, was the dude that was leading it was on the other side of it and was not real visible to us, so upon quick glance, it appeared the beast was loping across by itslef. Now, heading into the DAK's, I've had to stop and let a great deal of wildlife cross the road, including deer, bears, coyote, turkey, martins, you name it, but never an elephant.

To this day, I have absolutely rational explanation for it. To my knowledge the circus WAS NOT in town.
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poison ivy said:
There is at least one person who thru-hiked the AT with his pet cat several years ago. I can't remember if the guy's trailname was Ziggy, or if that was the cat's name. :confused: But I've seen many people refer to his hike over the years.

- Ivy
Yes that is the name but Like you I do not recall if it is the hikers or the cat's. This cat did not walk much but sat on top of his pack in a "bed " he had made. Kind of amazing that the cat just fell asleep while hikng . I was behind him on the trail to Speck Pond and was very surpised.

Anita my cat took some getting used ot the harness but once she did she would folow me as if it was not thiere. Now i do not tke her we did go to a waterfall this summer. I got some stares but so what. at least no one threw little rocks or made fun of me or her. Some one did take a photo of her sitting with me .

I know of a guy who has a rescued wolf he hikes with. I am not sure exactly where the guy is from but he rescues Grizzleies and has one that will follow him around ,this is out west
hikerfast said:
I saw a guy with a llama on the northern presies once. i wondered if it came from that llama farm on 115.

We once ran into a guy with two llamas on the trail, near the Northville-Placid trail.
One of my 4 cats, Roo, wanted to go hiking so badly she even tried to pack herself. Alas, it was a winter trip and Jess was just not letting me take her!

-Dr. Wu
cat on moose

I have pictures of a cat on the beaver brook trail way up the trail in 1992 sticking her nose at a little orange salamander. I wonder if this was the reputed 'lodge cat'. She was friendly and tasted great(just kidding) hee.
hikerfast said:
I have pictures of a cat on the beaver brook trail way up the trail in 1992 sticking her nose at a little orange salamander. I wonder if this was the reputed 'lodge cat'. She was friendly and tasted great(just kidding) hee.
Yup, that was most likely Saba. Did you notice that she had 7 toes on each paw?
