old hikers home


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when we get too old for hiking,Mrs Robo wants me to find an old hikers home to retire to.I want one with blazed hallways and lean tos out back.Maybe freeze dried Fridays,things like that.....Anyone out there know of a place,my parts are wearin out!!!
Thanks for the laugh Robohiker.
I envision some old guy with knobbly knees and skinny hairy legs in waaaay too baggy shorts with big wool socks just hanging off measly calves in huge old boots with toes sticking out.

Everytime someone walks down the hall , reach out and grab them and in a husky raspy voice, go:
"Nuurse, NUURSE!!!
Back in the go-go 90's, I was a 46er one time, Dagnabitall I climbed all the dalgarned high peaks in the northeast when you were a jus' glint in yur daddies eye, Don't tell me I can't have my Geritol, Dagnabitall anyway!!!! And that was before yer danged personal rocket packs and robolegs you young'uns all use now.

:D :D
Don't forget the privy! Retirement wouldn't be the same without the smell of compost in the morning...

At 67 I suspect that I am the senior member here, and plan on being the first one to move into the "Old Hikers Home". Where do I pay the deposit?

Hmm, just re-read robo's post (always a useful thing to do). Looks like he is looking for such a place, not offering to operate one. Let me see, what does Google say?

Nothing useful about "Old Hikers Home" but searching for "Old Hikers" led me to Epilaughs which has two quotes on old hikers:

Old hikers never die, they just get the boot.
Old hikers never die, they just trail away.

Also, I note that in another thread Tramper Al denies beconing a grandfather. Well, according to the same site:

Old fathers never die, they just become grandfathers.

Happy ageing to one and all :) :)
I'm There

That would be great,old hikers all around swappin stories,maybe an old Toyota pick up in behind the lean to's to sleep near the pretend trailhead ,wakin up to the "Sarge" yellin "get up and hike"!!!!
I work in a nursing home and I'm thinking there are some great ideas here. I've often said my retiremaent plan is to keep working until I lie down on one of the beds and someone comes in to take care of me. I should be making changes now so it's "trail ready" when I decide it's time to stay.
I already seek out old hikers and we swap stories. They live precariously through me. One guy lights up every time I mention Marcy. He hiked it 5 times. And there is a woman with a large painting of Chapel Pond on her wall. She has some fond memories of a picnic with her children there.
One other suggestion is everyone in the home carry a day pack with thier depends (diapers) and stewed prunes in it. Instead of headlamps they could carry hearing aids and dentures.
Mohamed Ellozy said:
Also, I note that in another thread Tramper Al denies becoming a grandfather

If he is a Grandfather, then his son will be in the Guinness Book of Records. He and his wife just had their first child (son)!

As far as the Old Hikers' Home goes, I have questions:
1) Do I need to bring my own TP?
2) Is all food freeze dried?
3) Do we cook with White Gas or Canister stoves?
4) Bear Canister or Bear Bag for our personal items?
5) Boots or lowcuts: which are acceptable dinner wear?
6) Will GPS coordinates be supplied so we can find our way around?
7) Canisters at the top of each stairway (to sign in)?
8) Can we sneak cotton in to kill off any ornery patrons?
9) Microbrew delivery service?
10) Crazy Creek Rockers?

And of course, thank God that Mohamed will be there with us when we file our "accident":eek: reports;)
I know much of this thread is in jest, but seriously -- wouldn't it be totally cool to have such a retirement home? After all, do any of us really want to be hanging out with some stodgy old codgers who were stodgy well before their time? I sure don't! I find them boring now, and I'd find them even more boring decades from now. :D
I'm taking deposits now for the Flatlander Center to be built somewhere near the intersection of five moderate trails with rail access for tank car delivery of harryk pale ale, a microbrew imported from Kanthikitstan.
Ollllllld hikers

I am going to be 50 this year! 50!!! I remember when they told us in school that Hailey's comet would be coming around when we were 30 and I thought "that's ancient - i'll never live that long!" Getting older is kinda scary; i have parts that are breaking down and i don't know why. and i'd like to strangle my dr. when he says "it's old age!" what the heck is old age these days anyway? we met a guy named ed stanley while hiking the bros/slide a few yrs ago. this guy looked around 80 and i was worried about him so i kept stopping to make sure he was ok. well, come to find out; he'd been hiking the daks since he was a kid and knew them like the back of his hand. some of his friends had even helped blaize the paths we walked on between the brothers! he was such an inspiration. oh, and he beat us back to the parking lot! but if there's to be a "home" where old hikers roam i picture one with a lot of good looking old men with their hiking pants jacked up under their nipples, mismatched socks; one up/one down & their shirts on inside out shuffling down the hallways after all us perfectly couiffed elderly ladies. :D
Mohamed Ellozy said:
Nothing useful about "Old Hikers Home" but searching for "Old Hikers" led me to Epilaughs which has two quotes on old hikers:

Old hikers never die, they just get the boot.
Old hikers never die, they just trail away.
Mohamed, here's my version:

Old hikers never die, they just smell that way.
Old Hikers Home.....

What a great use for the Ausable Club!!!

Think they'll sell cheap?

The place could use some work.

we met a guy named ed stanley while hiking the bros/slide a few yrs ago. this guy looked around 80 and i was worried about him so i kept stopping to make sure he was ok. well, come to find out; he'd been hiking the daks since he was a kid and knew them like the back of his hand. some of his friends had even helped blaize the paths we walked on between the brothers! he was such an inspiration. oh, and he beat us back to the parking lot!

Ed and Alice Stanley were amazing folks. They hiked all over the ADK’s and were one of the firsts to complete the North East 115 (they didn’t submit their lists for recognition). Ed, at 84, was out doing trail maintenance just a month before he died last year. They both inspired to me to explore the High Peaks and beyond. This summer I finished my 115 and 46 on Grace, but didn’t get the chance to tell Alice. She passed away in September after suffering a stroke in August.