Unless things have changed since 1996, the AMC owns a square parcel of land surrounding the hut but the septic system and leach field is on WMNF land. The drawing included with the 1998 hut EIS shows the entire facility operating under a special use permit. I would speculate that one of the requirements of the permit is not to slop the contents of barrel of human waste on the ground.
Do note that the there has been a SOPA in place for Lake of the Clouds hut to replace the failing septic system for quite awhile, so hut waste disposal is an issue.
Madison Hut does have a composter style system similiar to MHT as does RMC at Crag and Gray Knob. Composters dont work as well as the temps drop. MHT huts are in valleys and the bins are adjacent to the wood boiler so the MHT units have much better chance to operate. The problem is also the usage. In addition to the Madison Hut guests, the general public also uses the waste system heavily. One of the rationals for allowing the huts to remain in 1998 was that given the location of the high huts, if the huts and their facilities were not there, the general public would most likely degrade the environment in the area to a much greater extent by dispersed poor distribution of waste. Anyone who has been at the summit of washington and lake of the clouds in the spring as the snow melts has probably observed the numerous piles of waste and toilet paper left by winter users directly adjacent to the facilities. I expect anyone who has seen that sight might elect not to hang around long on the stone deck on the west side of LOC as that seems to be preferred location.