Ed'n Lauky said:
Kevin: I would imagine that the Brutus bushwhack refers to your Brutus. Where does this whack begin? How does it compare with the slide. Also, was wondering if anybody had any beta on the east side bushwhack that I've heard rumors about. I've heard that whack can knock a couple of miles off each way.
Ed - Yes, it does. We needed to find an alternative route to the traditional slide. We tried that one winter and the slide was all iced up. After the first 100 yards or so of sketchy footing, he refused to go any further.
The Brutus Bushwhack begins about 25 yards past the last brook crossing, or about a mile (+/-) from the traditional slide route. Make a 90 degree turn from the trail, go up a steep, brushy bank for about 1-200 yards, and the woods should open up to white birches. Look for an old logging road that angles up the right. At one point it enters a thicket but will reappear. Eventually, about where the spruces begin, you turn left, and follow the contour towards the bootleg trail. At this point you'll be above the slide. Avoid the temptation to climb too high in to the spruces as there are lots of blowdowns and you'll waste time. The goal at the this point is to intersect the bootleg trail.
Slabbing along the contour is tricky in places, as this is a steep hillside. There's lots of branch-grabbing as you go along.
Does it save time/mileage? Well, I think most who do use it find that it does save some time, but mileage? It might save a mile or two because it's somewhat more direct, but you still have to end up on the peak. Personally, I think it's an easier route, especially in winter. And, if you have a dog, it's one you can take him/her on without being too concerned you're going to encounter a wall of ice.
I know Dr. Dasypodidae and Big Earl as well as others have done it. Perhaps if they see this post they'll add their comments re: the pros and cons of it.
Perhaps this .jpg will make it clearer. The slide route in about where "Lincoln Brook Trail" is written in small print on the map.
PS - for those doing the slide in 3 seasons, Rocket21's pictures are excellent for showing what the woods will look like, as well as the beginning of the slide "trail".