Panoramic views (calculated) from mountain summits

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Papa Bear

New member
Sep 3, 2003
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New York City
I just found a great resource on another forum (Yahoo Prominence group) of some work done by Jonathan de Ferranti on calculated views of other mountains and other features (lakes, rivers, etc.) as seen from specific peaks. The work is based on USGS elevation data. It's quite enlightening and worth checking out.

Here is the one for Mount Washington: Panoramic views from Washington . Note that it is a large GIF file and may be a problem for some to display. It shows a view from 8 points of the compass.

Here is the web site with links for a large number of similar displays: Panorama web site
That ... is very cool. I agree, the images are in fact huge. I'll try to do some work to them and shrink them down to page-size and print them. Are they public domain? What am I allowed to do to them? Can I resize and repost them as accompaniment to my trip reports?
MichaelJ said:
Are they public domain? What am I allowed to do to them? Can I resize and repost them as accompaniment to my trip reports?
There are links to technical information on the main site. I sugggest you check that out and email the author with any questions. He posted his links on a public (Yahoo) forum, but beyond that I don't know the legalities.

He does sell CDs of the images (for a relatively small amount) and also states that he will produce custom views from locations of your choice..
WOW, That is very cool.

I find it hard to beleive that the only 2 Adirondack peaks seen from Washington are quiet little Esther (4239', number 27 of the 46) and diminutive Morgan (3458', which barely cracks the ADK 100 at 97).

In fact, if you look REAL close, you'll notice 2 humps that represent the "Morgan" bump. That's because there are 2 peaks in there. The one on the right, below the black dot of the Morgan label, Is actually Willmington Peak (Cooper Kill), which is also 3458'. It isn't even on most ADK 100 lists, despite the fact that it clearly meets almost most every qualification used (300' or 200' col).

In fact, I beleive that Morgan/Wilmington can only be seen from 1 Adirondack High Peak (Whiteface), possibly 2 (maybe Giant). I climbed both and was suitibly unimpressed on each :)

So much for the "You can see Marcy (or Washington, depending on which peak you're on) from here on a clear day" rumor I've always heard about.
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mavs00 said:
WOW, That is very cool.

I find it hard to beleive that the only 2 Adirondack peaks seen from Washington are quiet little Esther (4239', number 27 of the 46) and diminutive Morgan (3458', which barely cracks the ADK 100 at 97).

In fact, if you look REAL close, you'll notice 2 humps that represent the "Morgan" bump. That's because there are 2 peaks in there. The one on the right, below the black dot of the Morgan label, Is actually Willmington Peak (Cooper Kill), which is also 3458'. It isn't even on most ADK 100 lists, despite the fact that it clearly meets almost most every qualification used (300' or 200' col).

In fact, I beleive that Morgan/Wilmington can only be seen from 1 Adirondack High Peak (Whiteface), possibly 2 (maybe Giant). I climbed both and was suitibly unimpressed on each :)

So much for the "You can see Marcy (or Washington, depending on which peak you're on) from here on a clear day" rumor I've always heard about.

Cool Site! Tim, I think, although it's not named, the Esther ridge also shows the rise to Whiteface to the left. Also if you scroll down to the bottom of the page to the right of the south west view, there are two bumps shown in red (either side of what is written Spruce 52) I would guess the left one to be Marcy and the right one Giant. I may be out to lunch here, but that's my 2 cents.
I posted a query to Jonathan (who created the panoramas) and asked if he could confirm the speculations by mavs00 and by pino on viewing certain Adirondak peaks. In response, he has put up a new expanded panorama from Washington. His response:

Jonathan de Ferranti said:
Thanks, Papa Bear!

I have re-generated and expanded part of the view west from Mount
Washington, using better DEM and gazetteer data, which I hope answer
the questions put below. In theory, Mount Marcy is visible, so I
have shown it, but, except under exceptional atmospheric conditions,
you would need a telescope to actually see it. Those who claim to
have seen it are much more likely to have seen one of the other
Adirondack summits.

These views are not purely academic. The distance is great, but not
beyond the bounds of possibility, especially around sunset on a
clear evening.

Heres the new part: Expanded panorama looking west from Washington. You will see that Marcy is the barest tiny dot behind the left side of Stark.

MichaelJ said:
... Are they public domain? What am I allowed to do to them? Can I resize and repost them as accompaniment to my trip reports?
Jonathan has contacted me about this question.
He has added a statement of "terms of use" to his panorama home page (Here):

Terms of Use:

Unless otherwise specified, images and data downloaded from this site may be reproduced for research and private use. Links to sources are preferred to the uploading of reproductions, but if that is not possible due to the need to change the size or format, then an acknowledgement with a link to the appropriate source page is demanded. Limited commercial use is OK, but anyone contemplating large scale reproduction should contact me.

Jonathan de Ferranti BA
Lochmill Farm
KY14 6EX
United Kingdom

Phone : (+44) (0)1337-840551

E-mail address: sol15761 --at--
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