parmacheenee lake

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Jul 5, 2005
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wondered if any of you could help me find a way into Little boys Falls at Parmacheenee Lake in maine. There are so many gates and seems as though access is not possible without a key. I have looked at the 2004 delorme map and wondered if going from wiggle brook rd would get me in there. thanks for any help
The falls is at the head of the lake -- north end, where the Magalloway enters. I haven't been to the falls myself, but have done some exploring in the area -- though Spencer and others may know best.

Wiggle Brook Road has lost a bridge, which I understand has not been replaced. Two alternative ways into the area involve (1) the Burnt Mountain Road and (2) Little Kennebago Lake. I believe there is a launch on the lake, so you shouldn't have any trouble.

One question, though: how'd you pick this destination?
The way I go involves a gate to which I have a key. Sorry, I can't help you...

however, the '04 Gazetteer shows a gate by Lynx Brook on the northeast side of Parmachenee. For what it's worth, I don't remember that gate being there...

also, to avoid the absentee bridge on Wiggle Brook Rd. over the Kennebago River, take the road that goes along the western shore of Little Kennebago (is that what you were talking about, el-bagr?)

Even if you are coming from the west on Rt. 16, resist the urge to take the Lincoln Pond Rd. from it's beginning. Get on it via the Morton Cutoff just west of the MFS outpost on Rt. 16.

report back if you make it!

I can't say I remember anything special about Little Boy Falls when I've been by it. Did I miss something?

No way that I know of to drive directly in unless you have a key. But it's a nice bike around the west side of the lake from the southern gate above Bosebuck camps.

Nothing all that special about LBF.

Nothing special?

Hah! Must be something special? President Eisenhower went there to fish with all his Secret Service agents.
Here's a story from a longtime resident:
Here's a link to a watercolor:
Bert Whittemore had a brief article in the Hooksett Banner back in December:
"I’ve included a photo of a visit by the then president, Dwight Eisenhower, to New Hampshire and Maine in 1955. After a self-consciously primitive lunch at the Dartmouth College grant in New Hampshire, the presidential party traveled by car to Lake Parmachenee in Oxford County, Maine, for some fishing and other manly pursuits. The photo shows my father chatting with Ike there. The late presidential chief of staff, Gov. Sherman Adams, was behind all this, of course, and a good time was had by all. At this late date, I’m struck by the fact that both men work neckties and jackets even in that rural setting. As a matter of fact, we all did during those times. I had to wear a tie to classes in secondary school and graduate school in the ’50s.

What seemed like a big joke at the time was the ill-concealed fact that the spot chosen for the presidential fishing hole (Little Boy’s Falls on the Magalloway River) was stocked with a big fat hungry trout. The fish were starved for days and nets were put both up- and downstream to keep the little critters from straying too far from the lures offered by the crusading hero of the European war. The press crowded around to watch as Ike brought several fish with admirable ease. It wasn’t a very serious challenge for him, all knew. I was particularly struck by the fact that no one mentioned the salting of the mine, so to speak, least of all the presidents, who knew how to be a good guest and how to play the part of a delighted sportsman.

In this day of photo ops and scriptured ad libs, such harmless fun seems primitive and quaint. Those days shouldn’t be forgotten, however. Ike’s visit was an event; long savored by the North Country and other Granite Staters. They even struck a license plate to commemmorate the event. They don’t do that in these times. Here in New Hampshire, we have long become accustomed to presidents and candidates eating baked beans, riding snowmobiles, kissing babies and promising the world to all who care to listen. It is well to savor less cynical times when a vest and tie were expected in the most casual atmosphere."
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What a goof I am. I was thinking along the lines of the others, wondering why salmongirl -- no doubt a Parmachenee Belle -- would want to visit a minor ledge drop on the Magalloway.

Duh! Guess I'm not much of a fisherman.
salmongirl said:
wondered if any of you could help me find a way into Little boys Falls at Parmacheenee Lake in maine. There are so many gates and seems as though access is not possible without a key. I have looked at the 2004 delorme map and wondered if going from wiggle brook rd would get me in there. thanks for any help
I have also tried to get to that area without success. I have an article that suggests biking from the E (that would be Cupsuptic or Wiggle Brook).

A guy I knew was in charge of surveying for the state of NH, and one year he had to send a crew to remark the border in that area. One of the sporting camps was willing to let them stay cheaply as long as they promised to do no fishing! Similarly DennisC once arranged access through the Bosebuck gate to hike Bosebuck Mtn but he wasn't fishing either.
I have a key for research reasons for a study site up in Parmachenee Twp. I don't know who would give out a key for recreation.

Roy, who did Dennis arrange the trip with?

If the gates are owned by the same company, the keys or combos are often the same for a district. However, in some areas, including the one in question, there are multiple gate owners, so they are likely different.

Easiest way for me (at least 12 years ago) was to take a power boat across Lake Aziscohos, tie it off at the Magalloway River inflow, hike up to Parmacheenee. But, that's as far as I made it. I got a bit distracted by the fishing. I did try a Parmacheenee Belle, but had more success with an Androscoggin Alder. Go figure :)