Performance Enhancing Meat Snacks

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Acronyms R Us

Good thing they remembered to include "Enhancing" in their product title. I am sure "Bob" would approve with a grin.

"Hey, did you remember to pack the PMS bars?"
Spam singles are excellent for when you get sick of sugar on a long hike. I keep one warming up in my pocket. "Crazy Tasty"
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Aren't ALL meat snacks "performance enhancing?" :D
I pack a pound of home made cretons for my hikes.
I pack a pound of home made cretons for my hikes.

I'm not sure what you are referring to, but as a kid growing up in Aroostook County (Southern Canada), there was a french nasty pork spread type stuff that my Dad used to put on toast. They called it Creton. It had a very destinctive smell.

Is this the stuff you are referring to?

this title has been blocked by my work firewall/filter for indecent language - a bunch of ???? appear instead

I'll have to check at home
I'm not sure what you are referring to, but as a kid growing up in Aroostook County (Southern Canada), there was a french nasty pork spread type stuff that my Dad used to put on toast. They called it Creton. It had a very destinctive smell.

Is this the stuff you are referring to?


Thats the stuff. I have seen it spelled four or five different ways.
Cretons is french for "love on a cracker"
this title has been blocked by my work firewall/filter for indecent language - a bunch of ???? appear instead

I'll have to check at home

:eek: Sorry about that, that aspect of the title did not cross my mind. It's: p e r f o r m a n c e_ e n h a n c i n g_ m e a t_ s n a c k s, which is the title from the article, about caffeine infused jerky.

Cretons remind me a bit of Livermush, which appears to be a homemade cross of liverwurst and head cheese. Plenty O' Fat and calories for hiking !