Performance Enhancing Meat Snacks

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Acronyms R Us

Good thing they remembered to include "Enhancing" in their product title. I am sure "Bob" would approve with a grin.

"Hey, did you remember to pack the PMS bars?"
"We've secretly replaced Chip's regular 'Oh boy, oh boy, Oberto!" with new Perky Jerky.

Let's see if he notices the difference..."

Spam singles are excellent for when you get sick of sugar on a long hike. I keep one warming up in my pocket. "Crazy Tasty"
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Aren't ALL meat snacks "performance enhancing?" :D
I pack a pound of home made cretons for my hikes.
I pack a pound of home made cretons for my hikes.

I'm not sure what you are referring to, but as a kid growing up in Aroostook County (Southern Canada), there was a french nasty pork spread type stuff that my Dad used to put on toast. They called it Creton. It had a very destinctive smell.

Is this the stuff you are referring to?

this title has been blocked by my work firewall/filter for indecent language - a bunch of ???? appear instead

I'll have to check at home
I'm not sure what you are referring to, but as a kid growing up in Aroostook County (Southern Canada), there was a french nasty pork spread type stuff that my Dad used to put on toast. They called it Creton. It had a very destinctive smell.

Is this the stuff you are referring to?


Thats the stuff. I have seen it spelled four or five different ways.
Cretons is french for "love on a cracker"
this title has been blocked by my work firewall/filter for indecent language - a bunch of ???? appear instead

I'll have to check at home

:eek: Sorry about that, that aspect of the title did not cross my mind. It's: p e r f o r m a n c e_ e n h a n c i n g_ m e a t_ s n a c k s, which is the title from the article, about caffeine infused jerky.

Cretons remind me a bit of Livermush, which appears to be a homemade cross of liverwurst and head cheese. Plenty O' Fat and calories for hiking !