Personality Profile

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What do you call the type of person who can't get past question 9 without becoming bored?

That's me.

For what it's worth, I'm a peakbagger, albeit a very lackadaisical one. I took 25 years to finish the ADK 46. I hiked my first NH peak in 1987; I'm on #42 now. I've also gone back to many favorite places over and over.
Fun thread.

INTJ. I lean toward "peakbagger" 70/30.

Top two career ideas: Natural Science or Natural Science Education. That's spot-on. I've taught biology and chemistry for 15 years.

Famous people: Isaac Newton, Niels Bohr, C. G. Jung, Michel de Montaigne, Michel Nostradamus, Ada Lovelace. That's an impressive list. I wish.
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Fun thread.

INTJ. I lean toward "peakbagger" 70/30.

Top two career ideas: Natural Science or Natural Science Education. That's spot-on. I've taught biology and chemistry for 15 years.

Famous people: Isaac Newton, Niels Bohr, C. G. Jung, Michel de Montaigne, Michel Nostradamus, Ada Lovelace. That's an impressive list. I wish.

That's interesting, we differ by a T for a F. My type is heavily predicted towards the sciences as well, but as an introvert -- I can totally see why I never leave the lab ! People are constantly asking me questions, as if I know all the answers?? The pressure makes me cringe! I like to teach, and its part of my job, but it takes ALOT of my energy.

NOW --what does my type have to do with peak bagging???
I like to teach, and its part of my job, but it takes ALOT of my energy.

You must be doing it right. ;)

NOW --what does my type have to do with peak bagging???

There are 4 categories here. Maybe some are more relevant than others?

Which ones make (or break) a peakbagger? Does each even matter?

Extrovert/Introvert? (IMO I don't think this matters)




Introverted 100
Intuitive 25
Feeling 38
Judging 28

Introverted 100% maybe I spend to much time soloing.:eek:
This is interesting:

Intuitive 38 1stX ...... 38 2ndX ........I consider myself highly intuitive

Feeling 38 1stX ..... 38 2ndX........Anyone know the scale? 1-50 or 1-100

Introvert 22 1stX ..... 22 2ndX........Not many would call me an introvert.

Perceiving 44 1stX ...... 22 2ndX........Isn't that interesting? I wonder what it means?

Call the guys with the white jackets!

I'm going to keep doing this until I get a profile I like. ;)

INFT? Healer? Could be worse.

Famous people- Princess Diane, JK ROwling, Mary Mother of Jesus, Helen Keller, Jackie O, Julia Roberts, Lisa Kudrow, Fred Rogers!!? My testosterone is threatened!

Thank god for: Longfellow, Shackespeare, Carl Rogers, Dick Clark, Tom Brokaw, John F Kennedy (see Jackie O above;)) Fred Savage, but no..... John Wayne my favorite.
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It's fun to see all the different "types" that are responding here on VFTT! I'm not seeing any trend yet and I'm not sure if we will see any pattern here, but it is kind of fun. :) I shared this test a several years ago on another more technically-focused web forum, and found that 37.8 percent of the people who responded were INTJ type. That was interesting, because it's one of the least frequently seen types, with 2.0 to 4.0 percent of the population being INTJ-type.

Also, just to respond to any concern that you can't connect personality type to hobbies, according to the Myers Briggs Foundation: "Type should help us differentiate the values, attitudes, and behaviors of different people" (emphasis added by me). Since any "hobby" is comprised of a group of behaviors, it seems that looking for these types of connects is a reasonable idea, even if one is not found here.

In any event, I guess I just thought this would be a fun, somewhat interesting way to get to know some of you, since I'm pretty new here on this forum. Maybe that's just my ENFJ type talked right now... :D
So is this test more valid then, lets say, astrology?

I agree with Unstrung Harp. These tests can be manipulated.
during college I worked for a study that measured stress and fat distribution in women. Personality tests were given to see if the subject may stressed more easily than others.

Inspector! I found this test pretty accurate for me.. good thread!
I'm an INTJ, an engineer by education and a project construction manager by profession. It is right on for me. I like order, structure, planning and proper execution. Hey, sounds like preparing for any hike too. I am not a wanderer or a "toes in the pond" daydreamer. I need a goal and then I become semi-obsessed until it is completed.
Through Myers Briggs testing in the not-so-recent past, I've been an INTJ and think it fits me pretty well. I haven't had time to take the test mentioned at the beginning of the thread, but am interested in seeing any differences. Someone earlier mentioned "intuitive" and when I was given the results if my test I learned that intuitive there didn't mean the same as having good intuition.

Another good book on the topic that I've found interesting is "Personality Negotiating: Conflict Without Casualty" by Thomas Anastasi, who teaches business courses at the university level.
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Tried taking the test twice.
First time I only got about 1/3 through it and stopped. Too many questions that didn't lend themselves to simple yes/no answers.
Second time I tried, got about 1/3 through, but then "Bones" came on tv. So I stopped the test because ... well, Angela Montenegro, y'know.
I haven't taken the test cited by the OP but I've been professionally tested as an ENTJ three times. Some call it the Fieldmarshal, but I prefer Master of the Universe. :D

I'm not sure what it says, but I count peaks about as obsessively as I count logs that I put in my wood stove. Luckily, I put logs in more frequently than I get to climb peaks.

But more importantly, as our good friend Shizzy would say, I like to go on all the rides.
Finally took the test and while I found some of the questions difficult to answer, the result was pretty accurate:

ISTJ - Inspector

What I found somewhat frustrating is that I'm not necessarily the same guy while at home or in the mountains as I am in my worklife. Good test nonetheless. :)
Finally decided to see what all the hoopla was about and took the test.

INTJ 56, 44, 12, 67

I would gather that the low score on T means that I'm marginal on T and F although my wife would say: "See, I told you so, you just don't think!" ;) I won't even let her tell you what she thinks of me being called a "rational mastermind." Seems like that should be something good, but I'm not sure it's accurate.:(

I would consider myself a peakbagger within the limits of the time I have available.

I guess most people would call me a solo hiker although I NEVER hike without my dog and I don't myself consider that when with him I'm actually hiking "solo" regardless of what NH rescue might say.:rolleyes: