I agree Peakbagr, great stuff here……… just thought I’d add some more drivel.
** I'll use and analgy we use in swim training, but I beleive it fits
We must remember that fitness levels (and the ability to perform) are much like a floating ball in a glass of water. The more water you put in the glass (i.e. training), the higher level your “fitness ball” will be at. But there is a limit (the top glass). When your young, your glass will be pretty dam big, but as you get older the glass will, sadly I’ll add
, shrink. This is due to a many factors (Neil listed some good ones).
What are the implications of that? There are a few…. Foremost, you can manipulate your INDIVIDUAL "fitness ball" level to an extent. For example, the last few years I’ve been continually been “adding water” to my glass by training (be it running, hiking or other physical activities), so lets say I've currently got 16oz in my "performance cup”. My personal “endurance cup” (based on several factors like AGE, genetics, personal VO2 Max, etc) might only hold 24 oz at this point. If I worked harder (or smarter) I could possibly raise my level higher than 16 oz, but for now my 37 y/o glass can only hold a maximum of 24 oz.
When I was younger (upper 20’s to low 30’s), my glass probably had a maximum capacity of lets say 32 oz, and had I chosen to take advantage of it (by regular and consistant training), I could have done MUCH more endurance wise. But since I was a lazy lump
, my glass probably only held 8oz (or less). Compared to then, the "16oz me" (now) can perform circles around the “8 oz me” (then), even though I’m considerably older. Likewise, I could go hiking (or running) with 20 y/o that might not work as hard at putting "water in" his cup that I do. He might only have a 16oz level (the same as mine), despite the fact that his potential cup is much bigger. We’d probably hike great together, because we’re drinking from a similar 16oz level, even if the the “size of the cup” we are using is different and we are different ages.
By the way, not only does the glass shrink with age, it’s starts to leak too
……. So, in 5 years, my cup (potential) might only hold 20 oz, but I’ll still be able to perform at my current 16oz level, I just will have to work harder at putting water in to maintain that level. More likely, I’ll stay on a similar training program and just let my current level sink to 13-14 oz, causing the inevitable slow down in performance.
Potential is different that current ability.
Neil, by the way, I'm in a similar boat, my 14 y/o son is currently drinking from a 16 oz cup/ His personal level is about 13-14 oz, so I can still whoop his butt
. However, his is glass is growing by the day, in another year or two, my "little glass" will look like a friggin dixie cup next to his.