Pics of Gale River Trail Stream Crossing (for Blue)

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Oct 27, 2004
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Friday, May 13, 2005: Here's a link to a few pictures of the Gale River crossing at the site of the washed out bridge. This is 1.7 miles in from the trailhead. The pictures were taken today, Friday, May 13, 2005. . . .I am posting this message with picture link for tonight only and then removing it. I don't want someone to see it a week from now and think the conditions are still the same. Have a great weekend, Blue & Crew!

Saturday, May 14, 2005: I've removed the link as the pictures are now outdated or very soon will be. The weather forecast from today through Thursday gives a 30-50% chance for showers every day. The river will rise with rain runoff and snow melt.

Sunday, May 16, 2005: My rain gauge is showing about 1" so far from the "showers" that started early this morning. Hope you're out & dry, Blue & Crew.
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Waumbek - thank you for a great info service!

I think the following has already been mentioned in the other thread, but I'll add it again here.

The bridge location is probably not the optimal spot to attempt a foot crossing. Either up or downstream there are likely to be wider, shallower and rockier places that would afford a better option. Remember, the bridge was placed in the best place for a bridge :)

I was tempted to go for the Twins with a very early start to beat the rains but it seems every time I look at the forecast they are slated to start earlier. Oh well, another day.

Be safe, and have fun!

We hiked this today and crossed just about 20' below the bridge, where there is a small island 2/3 of the way across. It was quite easy getting to the island. My husband was able to jump across the last bit from the island, but I wimped out and took one boot/sock off to step in the water (wanted to keep my boots dry).